Born ins..Were You Forced to Be a JW Growing Up?
by LostGeneration 66 Replies latest jw experiences
Having been raised as a jw by parents who were raised jw from the 1930's. It was not an option for me or my siblings.
We were brainwashed to not even consider anything else. Like being raised in a walled in garden where everything is green and your told thats the only colour. One day you get a look over the wall and discover the rainbow!
I have only realized recently i was raised to be an Organization Person and not raised to be a Spiritual Man . I had always struggled with the spiritual side of being a jw. Its all about the WTBS.
Really what do you know as a kid? your indoctrinated into this stuff and if your parents arnt hypocrytical you would never question it. I didnt untill they DF me.
I was definitely forced and was physically abused by my mother if I didn't want to go to a meeting or forgot to study. I did not have a choice so those "make the truth your own" talks were ridiculous to me because I had no choice in the matter.
Born ins..Were You Forced to Be a JW Growing Up?
Of course really not any different than most religions. The difference might have been more enforced that other religions
by using tactics of guilt, oppression and fear. It is well known of the strong control mechanisms used by the WTS. to control its adherents.
Good point undercover,
This is the WTS admitting in a roundabout way that they are losing many of their "born-ins". What they don't bother to say is that by the time the children become adults, they have already been baptized and are officially a member of the organization. Choosing to leave as an adult isn't as simple as "making a personal choice with regard to worship". Now they have to weigh the considerations of losing family, home, job, support; because this is what will happen if they choose some other avenue of worship.
The WTS. deceivingly and disingenuously aren't telling the whole Truth but when have they ever ?
"Born ins..Were You Forced to Be a JW Growing Up?..."
Hell yes... Via being hit, kicked, slapped, and insulted...
The Watchtower Corporation in effect holds a "gun" to the heads of the parents AND their children, saying variously that:
The parents are responsible to "gawd" for their childrens' lives - and will be ANSWERABLE TO "JEHOVAH" for said lives...
The father's ambitions - and to a certain extent, the mother's status and ambitions - are inextricably entangled with the behavior of their children - a terrible motivation to bully the children into the cult...
In my parents' case, they both resented my existence - and the Watchtower edicts gave them an excuse to abuse me in the name of "religion" - and the misogyny of the cult fed right into their misogyny....
Oh no...I wasn't forced. I was welcome to go live under a bridge anytime I wanted to stop going to meetings.
I'm under my own personal impression that the reason the WTS. is now making a pubic issue WT and JW study WT
is that they wanted to twist and manipulate the truth about themselves in a effort to make themselves more alluring to the public.
Crank up the BS propaganda a bit more. or in other words, telling more malicious conniving lies to attract people.
Hey, Azazel!!!