It was put there by the angel Moroni. Now you just have to write The Book of Sab.
Found an oddly shaped rock would like some help if possible
by sabastious 70 Replies latest jw friends
FatFreek 2005
Hi Sab,
Good quality closeups, by the way.
I'm no expert at stones nor in many of the cutting processes that are now used. However, there are several things about your stone that suggests modern technology.
1. The sides are straight, far more straight than an arrowhead maker (ancient indian) would need in order to be functional. Of course, the maker could have been more artistic and had the goal of straightness for visual pleasure. I though of pasting the image into AutoCAD and visually measuring the angle between the top left and right flanks -- but I'm too lazy today.
2. The fillet radius is nearly perfect and virtually tangent to the sides. They're the kind of straigtness, radius, and tangency I spent many years looking at as I created thousands of such shapes in AutoCAD before I retired as mfg tool designer. The radius and tangency suggest modern technology.
3. The top left and right edges of the first photo are puzzling. Look closely and you will see a color margin that may suggest heat was supplied along those edges.
That brings us to the type of process to cut the stone. Waterjet cutting could easily produce the geometry that we see, along with the straightness, radii, and tangency. The margin color would probably need heat for that -- and that suggests laser cutting instead.
It's a great puzzle, Sab. All a guess, on my part. Thanks for sharing.
Shelby, I swear... that was good enough to make me look up brown triangle dirt eaters :)
It'd make a great coaster.
I found a piece of natural (uncut) granite that had broken away in the shape of a diamond. It's probably still at my parents' place somewhere. I do have a photo of it too. I shall have to see if I can find the photo to show it to you.
Just another well worn stone from the stream. An unusual shape that brings out the Euclid in some ;)
Betcha it would skip very nicely.
would you mind explaining to me how you came to this "brown triangle" conclusion?
Certainly, dear Sab (peace to you!): in another life I was an expert on various cultures... and their identifying rocks (especially "triangular" ones, but I knew a lot about the "square" ones, too. Those of my ilk didn't bother with the "round" ones, though... because there were so many of them. Boring...). So, when I saw this one, I knew right away what it was: a bona fide "brown triangle" (distinguishable from, say, pink, orange, purple, and white polka-dotted triangles, which aren't as valuable - but you should be glad you live NOW; you really didn't want to meet up with any of the people identified by the purple triangles - talk about "strange"...).
Anyway, the "brown triangle" is one of the rarest rocks out there; I mean, sure, other rocks can be the color of dirt (i.e., the "beige", "sandy", "grey," and "speckled" varieties)... but only the brown is TRULY the color of dirt. This in symbolization of the possessor's diet: dirt. Note, dirt-eaters are NOT to be confused with, say, mud, manure, topsoil, loam, clay, or sand eaters, though. Unlike the brown triangle eaters, who only ate dirt, these latter ate dirt AND rocks (they even ate their OWN rocks... causing some to consider them sort of cannibalistic. Well, greedy, was really more like it). The brown triangle dirt eaters were declared life-long enemies by the gravel eaters (the latter considered anyone who ate dirt sacriligious, even "apostate," because they considered dirt to be "unclean"!).
Anyway, that's just a little of what I know about it. It wasn't hard to see that it was a brown triangle, though: I mean, it's brown... and it's a triangle. I get that it might have been a bit difficult for you to identify, given your rather limited knowledge of rocks... and cultures... but for an expert like me that's really all it took.
Hope that helps... and a nice piece of basalt to you!
SA, BTEE.d ("brown triangle expert extraordinaire")... on her own...
Brat I say. Now what do I have to look forward to?
Learning the telltale signs of a "brown square," and the history of the people who carried them, dear N.drew (peace to you, chile!)? Truly captivating stuff, right there...
SA, on her own...
Found Sheep
I just have to say I checked the site out for a min or two a few times while working. I didn't have much time but every time saw Found.... and was afraid someone started a topic on me
so when I finnished the topic line was always relieved...
but i think it was a piramid...
Russelite....looks like the Great Pyramid of Giza.