servants meeting with CO...

by stillin 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    BNYBYT - I particularly enjoyed the fact that this was a MENSTRUALLY blood soaked rag, lest we confuse it with the purity and sanctity of human arterial blood. Those disgusting, unclean women with their periods!

    As far as meetings with the co, one MS asked me when I was an elder, "Do you always feel depressed instead of encouraged after the meeting with the co?"

    "yes, the guy is a jerk."

    He was actually more of a soulless asshole.

  • ekruks

    To be honest, the first time I went to a 'servants meeting with the CO', I was expecting it to be something amazing, some incredible insight into not only scripture, but the amazing workings of the theocracy - it was far from that - it merely just confirmed my fears that the elders were not quite what I saw them as, but well, they didn't seem to have a clue what they were doing.

    The answers the elders gave to his questions showed no real depth of understanding of scripture, and well, the outline was nothing I hadn't already seen in a Watchtower or heard at pioneer school - I sat there thinking "Why am I here just to hear what I already have heard at meetings?", but told myself it's important reminders. What bothered me is that it wasn't tailored to us, but the supposedly incredibly astute CO was obviously following an outline; didn't pay much attention to serious problems he was aware of - we'd had many in the congregation, including appointed men disassociate themselves because they were discouraged, but no one seemed concerned.

    Afterwards, we servants walked out towards our cars, and one older servant - previously an elder - said he was very concerned because the CO wasn't strongly encouraging for more shepherding visists, and well, we all knew little was being done (our elders were more interested in their rather well-known squabbles over who would be the coordinator; we would brush this off because the apostles had their fights over who was the greatest). I asked to go on shepherding visits, but elders were too busy fighting. I didn't know what to say; I found it very strange and disconcerting how the elders were pushing people away, like little gangsters quick to find some reason to disfellowship anyone concerned by their behaviour, so what was I to say to this experienced brother - just muttered, "I don't understand it!" - I almost said, "I don't believe this anymore!"

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