I'm wondering if the tipping point has emerged b/c they are not using much new media. Based on my experience, the Internet has to be crucial. Wikipedia led me to an article on Jehovah's Witnesses and other off-shoot article. Much more interesting than the article itself was the discussion part which is heavily monitored. The give and take is remarkable. I suspect people are paid by Bethel to keep the Wikipedia article as flattering as possible. The discussion back and forth is very detail oriented. Many dissidents stay in to counterbalance the Witnesses. I found this site b/c of a link in the Discussion part.
None of this was possible years ago. It would be extremely difficult to find older Witness literature. You don't need a university research library anymore to access basic info.There prob. hasn't been so an info explosion since the invention of the printing press.
The greater culture is much more skeptical of religion. I don't recall learning much from week to week. How many times can you sit through a WT study without disassociating just to survive. Add ill people and children and not much is left to increase attendance. They should redefine attendance or something so they have better figures. Just as Accounting can treat certain matters creatively, they could make their attendance look better. Besides, do we get to see how the data was compiled and their Excel program? I don't think so.