Salvation Army--is it a high control group?
by rebel8 17 Replies latest jw friends
A friend of mine use to work for their thrift store years back. He told me that at the time, he was considering joining the religion since they impressed him with their kindness and generosity. When he looked into their by-laws, he was shocked at what he discovered. Many legalistic rules that made no sense to him. I don't recall the details but I do recall my shock as well, like a dark side of the Salvaltion Army that few individuals on the outside actually see.
years ago when i was a "study" i worked in care with a lot of jws and the housekeeper there who was not a jw used to say to the jws that she actually thought the salvation were the "right " religion if any of them were ! she used to make me chuckle as she was always having a dig at them and asking who had been dipped in the duck pond ! (baptised )
At least they do help people that have fallen into hard times through no fault of their own. Which is more than can be said about the witlesses.
And no, I don't agree with a lot of stupid rules. I would not want to join any religion that has stupid rules, regardless of what they do. But, one can volunteer for the Salvation Army, and not join the religion.
Do they insist the people they help attend religious services of any kind?
Mickey mouse
I knew someone on a parenting site who was raised in the Sally army...let's just say we had a lot in common.
Salvation Army ...... hard to pin down the whole story.
Do they insist the people they help attend religious services of any kind?
I went in for help from them many years ago. I was asked if it was okay that she pray with me. So no, I don't think they make anyone attend anything.
Thanks Tammy. I presume you said yes? ;)
I don't know much about the SA myself.
I did, yes. I would have had no problem with that. But even if I'd had a problem with it, I would have said sure. I mean, they were helping me...and if you've ever been 'there', then you know what it feels like to be asking for a handout.