What Term Can Replace "Publisher" ?

by OnTheWayOut 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fernando

    Outlaw you reminded me of a very well crafted YouTube video that describes them as "paying clergy" instead of "paid clergy". Very clever self-perpetuating and self-preserving WBT$ con job on dumb paying sheeple.

    BOC, if these "poor bastards" took the time to read their Bible they would be devastated to see that the only GB in the NT is the Sanhedrin.

    OnTheWayOut, indeed, mindless "drones" practicing and embracing just another tired version of "Christless Christianity" is what they all have been reduced to, whilst "messengers of the good message" is what they falsely claim to be.

  • yadda yadda 2
  • DesirousOfChange

    Or will it go some other way without printed material?

    OTWO: They could never do it. Most have to reply on the printed page to carry their message as the average R&F JDub can't carry on a good conversation let alone a convincing argument. Do you really expect them to go D2D with just a Bible and try to work with that??

    The obvious solution would be to simply restrict FS publications to just single page flyers as used to promote conventions and the Memorial that direct someone who has interest to the WTS website, BUT DEAR GOD! that would mean sending them to research things on the INTERNET!


  • Heaven

    The Mislead.

  • ekruks

    Foreign-language literature is now meant to be printed from one's own printer, and the memorial invites are partly printed on home printers.

  • JRK

    Snake oil salesmen

  • ekruks
  • exwhyzee

    Unsuccessful Multi-level marketer who isn't in a cult.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Unsuccessful Multi-level marketer who isn't in a cult.

    Hello, we are unsuccessful multi-level marketers who are not in a cult, and we are sharing a Bible thought with people.
    The scripture is John 17:3. We just read it and leave because we have nothing else to offer you without the literature we used to carry.
    But mainly, we wanted to tell you we are definitely not in a cult.

  • AGuest

    How about...

    "I.W.B." (Idjits With Bookbags)

    "Peddlers of Denial" (Don't Even kNow It's ALie)

    "Crack[ed light] Dealers"

    "FDs'Rs" (False Dealers in Religious Scam)

    The "T.B.L.I." (The Truly Blind and Loving It)

    The "SLGLC" (Scared to Live so Gave Life to a Cult)...

    or how about "The 'Christian' Congregation of 'I Don't Really Know How to Read Or Survive in the "World" So I Push Magazines For a Living Under the Guise of "Working for God" Instead'"?

    Of course, these are for starters, Jer. Gimme a day: I'm sure I can come up with some more, even more accurate terms...

    SA, on her own...

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