Journal of Philosophical Psychology cites JWs as an example of a self-validating belief system

by slimboyfat 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Knowsnothing


  • Terry

    William Miller is your typical layperson non-expert who is convinced he can do it!

    Like the all the amateur sleuths who have "solved" the Kennedy assassaination they find what they want where they want and make it fit.

    Enough people who were also amateurs, non-educated or non-academically oriented were ripe for the plucking.

    Miller was a good man and a war hero who came from a family of Baptist ministers. So, he had "street cred" too.

    Why would a nice man like Miller want to fool anybody, you see?

    But, wrong is wrong!

    The date was revised and wrong again. Miller, to his credit, apologized--however, he died still believing it was uh comin' real soon!

    We all got our convictions wrapped around the cherry-picking explanations and it made us feel damned lucky and smart.

    But, we were like Bernie Madoff's victims being robbed blind while enthusiastically reccomending it to all our friends!

    I think the Sunk Cost Fallacy explains it nicely. JW's invest so much in their lost cause they just can't let go now....when we are soooo close......

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