Anyone here ever try to host a small benefit-type gathering for a witness in need? My wife's aunt and uncle fell on hard times and someone decided to have a gathering where everyone brought a little food and then could give them a little money if wanted. It was all pretty informal and unofficial but for some reason their son contacted the CO to make sure it was okay to do something a little unconventional. The answer was a flat out and firm "NO"! Is there some specific counsel about this? How outrageous! Is the reasoning that the WT wants every spare nickel kicked back to them and only them?
A witness charity benefit?
by NoRegrets 10 Replies latest jw experiences
The Society is always afraid of being liabel, that's why they banned congregation picnics. Plus there was no money in it for them.
It is outrageous and stupid that the answer was no.
I remember when we built a new KH; some of the sisters wanted to hold a congregation garage sale. They were told they could hold an individual garage sale and donate the money (their choice) but the congregation could not host it. Maybe you could host a benefit and keep the congregation as an organization out of it. Look too for non-jw groups that help people down on their luck.
I've had this discussion with my koolaid drinking brother. He stated that JWs had gone to give aid after the big tsunami from a couple of years ago and after the earthquake in Haiti. He maintains that JWs [as an organization] gives and helps all the time.
I asked him to name a JW hospital, orphanage or foodbank and he just shrugs.
I asked him 'What if everyone gave to those biblical causes?'
Then I asked him 'What if no one gave to those causes?'
All cash goes to the Watchtower as far as I know.
The last check I ever sent the Society was specifically to go for Disaster Relief. They sent back a Letter and said it was going in the General Fund.
" Have in mind, too, that sometimes what may do the most good is something other than money. Jesus told his followers to “go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.’ . . . You received free, give free.” (Matthew 10:7, 8) Similarly today, Christians realize that the time, energy, and money spent in supporting Kingdom witnessing—which improves lives and gives hope—is charitable giving of the best kind" 6/8/93 Awake
Christians realize that the time, energy, and money spent in supporting Kingdom witnessing—which improves lives and gives hope—is charitable giving of the best kind
That makes me so angry. I recall a public talk given by an visiting elder from Edinburgh who spoke very postively about giving to charity and helping people on the street. It was so well received by most of the r & f in our hall who seemed relieved to be given prmission to act on their best instincts. Of course it went right against WT policy.
All over the bible [old and new testament] it is written about the giving of alms to the poor.
Widows, orphans and the sick are always singled out as folks to give alms to yet it is still amazing to me that the WTS simply ignores those very worthy causes and takes all cash for itself.
Very contridictory is the best thing that you could say about the WTS in most of it's doctrines and policys.
I remember being with a Buddhist friend, some time after I had stopped attending meetings, when we passed someone pan-handling. She said, "Jesus said the poor would always be with us." And she gave him some money. I was struck by that, because I was learning how wrong the wtbts is about so many things, including community. I was still thinking that it was the guy's own fault he was homeless, but she was thinking he was in need, not how he got that way. Much less judgemental than a JW.