I think you have progressed to bait and wait sizemik
IAD - Internet Addiction Disorder
by sizemik 42 Replies latest jw friends
I think you have progressed to bait and wait sizemik
That's a common accusation levelled at us stage III'ers. The price of being moderate and balanced I suppose . . .
still thinking
LOL...well here is help for the rest of us...
Interesting article on web addiction . . .
S.Korea to offer software to fight web addiction
March 16, 2010
South Korea will offer gamers and other Internet addicts free software from next year to limit the time they spend on the web, the prime minister's office has said.
The government says 8.8 percent of Internet users are addicted, and hopes to reduce that to five percent by 2012.
The Korea Computer Life Institute estimates a third of adults are game addicts and around a quarter of teenagers.
(c) 2010 AFP
disclaimer: This isn't more bait and wait
dammit sizemik why do you always have bring up my afflictions on this board?
I think I am stage III now....I don't post as much as I used to.
still thinking
Chinas treatment programme for internet addiction...I'ts pretty advanced...but we could adapt it to suit
still thinking
aha...bait and wait..sizemik...no need to deny....
worse still....bait and abandon........no thought for the needs of others who need their internet fix....