I was book study conductor when the Revelation book was last studied...during my preparation I sometimes couldn't figure out how the cited scriptures supported the WT's reasoning...so during the study I would put it out to the audience to apply the scriptures...some were quite creative in their explanations...In the end it really didn't matter if it made sense or not since everyone was ready to believe anything the book said regardless of the lack of scriptural support. It goes to prove that bull$hit baffles the mind.
Please Post Reasons For Not Believing The Witnesses Have The "Truth" Anymore
by minimus 86 Replies latest jw friends
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The Watchtower continues to be a member of the United Nation through difference organisations in Europe. Yet the "god's organisation" states christians should not be part of the satan's political world. Sigh. I think, this mother of all contraditions.
Follower of Jesus - Are you in "the truth"?
Follower of the Watchtower - Yes.
Follower of Jesus - Is "the truth" in you?
Follower of the Watchtower - Yes.
Follower of Jesus - Are you in Christ?
Follower of the Watchtower - No.
Follower of Jesus - Is Christ in you?
Follower of the Watchtower - No.
Follower of Jesus - You have just stated that Jesus Christ is not "the truth", whereas John 14:6 says he is.
Follower of the Watchtower - But the Bible says we are "in union with" Christ.
Follower of Jesus - No it does not! The Watchtower has added the word "union" (about 100 times) and you can see this in their own Greek-English "Kingdom Interlinear Translation". I challenge you to from now on say you are "in union with the truth" and see how acceptable this is to the Watchtower clergy and followers.
The final straw for me was about 2 years ago at a convention when they brought out the 'new light' on the 'overlapping generation'.. I thought WHAT?? Surely they can't be serious??!! After that I realised just how much hinges on 1914. So if 1914 isn't true then everything else just comes tumbling down. They are trying to prop up a doctrine that is just plain false. Once realising that doctrine was false it was easy to see the GB for what it really is.. a false prophet.
In early 2007. I sat and read the first few chapters of Daniel. It struck me then that the whole 1914 thing was made up, and badly made up at that, and had no support whatever from scripture.
I stopped going Dto D straight away, how could I ask people to study a book ("Bible Teach") that taught a LIE !
In all conscience I could not.
After that, as you say,tornapart, the whole house of cards that is WT teaching fell apart.
First, I found had cognitive dissonance due to that fact that the life example and teachings of Christ were being completely ignored, and I didn't understand why the King did not rule better over the very incompetent earthly administration that was supposed to be representing him.
Then came the articles on 607. That gave me the intellectual capital to realize once and for all that they did not have a leg to stand on.