Bailey, who had been transferred to bricklayers local no. 9 in Pittsburgh, retired in 2008. Having remained a union member through the years, he receives a pension as a benefit.
Read more: Cleveland Daily Banner - Tim Bailey a well traveled ‘country boy’
JW is union member for years....?
by blondie 18 Replies latest jw friends
Anybody who works should be in a Union, irrespective of what the Gibbering buddy says jehovah thinks about it.
A union will protect your interests, and fight your corner if there is a legal problem to deal with.
Will the Witchtower pay your legal costs in this situation? Then I am not interested in what they say about it. And if God really is pulling ugly faces whilst sitting on his glorious throne, then I can't see him...
Do the Dubs claim we should not have union protection?
I must've missed something. What's the problem with being in a union for an active JW?
I'm a teacher and was in the Teacher's Union for years while I was still in. I know quite a few teachers in and around Southern California that are JWs.
There's no prohibition against being a union member. In my cases, if you accept a job you have to join the union. It's referred to as a "closed shop."
Taking an active part in a union is another story...
Does it not break your heart to read of people like that.
The average rank and file JW are just good people who dont realize yet they have been hoodwinked.
They are genuine in what they believe........oh how so sad
I too know several dubs who were in unions, including elders and MSs. I believe they don't contribute to their PACs nor do they vote in union elections, but other than that, it's just a labor contract.
I was in a union and was a "shop stewart" for a while, while being a dub. Never bothered me. I didn't vote to support local politicians but other than that, I did vote for union chair and such. Also voted on the contract and helped with writing one as well. I never knew it was a bad idea but I guess I lived a fairly norml life while in a cult.
There are plenty of JW union member in my city, many are elders and MS's.
I quit!
“The thought of serving in the full-time ministry as a pioneer has crossed my mind more than once
Good thing all he did was think about it otherwise he'd have nothing to fall back on in his old age. Spending your life serving the Watchtower only pays dividends in fantasy land.
My JW wife works in the medical field and is happy that she is in a union. I don't remember hearing anything that said they couldn't be in one.
What's the problem with being in a union for an active JW?
Nothing. Going back to the 1960s, taking union position constituted work "against" your employer. They gave that up years ago. I know of a brother with non-union company whose employees attempted to "organize". Several other JDubs who worked for him were split over the union/non-union position. The bro (owner) tried to take action against other brothers who chose the union side based on 1960s WT info. WT Service Desk said that stuff don't apply no more.