Bet the wtb&ts didn't see this one coming...

by OneDayillBeFree 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • scooterspank

    I used to dream of space travel in the new system. After all, we had eternity to travel light years away. Oh well, living a very happy JW free life here on earth.

  • 00DAD

    diamondiiz: Nu-Lite alert. This earth will soon be burned up just in time for Jws to inhabit new planet

    Where they'll screw that one up too!

  • ziddina
    "I used to dream of space travel in the new system. After all, we had eternity to travel light years away. ..." ScooterSpank

    Well, as usual, the situation would be far more complicated than that...

    After a fairly short time in space, the human body begins to degenerate - especially the bones.

    Modern-day astronauts run the risk of developing osteoporosis at a VERY young age... The lack of gravity, lack of activity, and possibly the incomplete nutrition available in space, are all factors...

    But if the Watchtower Corporation tries to co-opt this "new planet" as part of "god's plan", it wouldn't surprise me if those clueless ignoramuses in the Watchtower Writing Department blow right by that inconvenient scientific fact...


  • james_woods

    Ladies and Gentlemen - while I appreciate the ex-JW humor here, this is a very important philosophical subject.

    For example - if God created life on all these planets - did ALL the Adam-Eve pairs SIN?

    Did God have to then send Jesus to redeem all these planets? (but only the select on them as per the JW doctrine)?

    It begins to make thing look as unscientific as the old Pope against Gallileo...

  • Diest

    00Dad your read on this is wrong....probability dictates that with the thousands of galaxies and billions of stars we are going to have planets that are of similar size and composition to earth. Rather than using your critical thinking skills here, you are boged down in dub thinking.

  • OneDayillBeFree

    I see your point 00DAD! And that's not where I'm going with this! Sorry if my post sounded that way.

    I fucking hate being lied to as well! And it sucks even more since Im still inside...

    The only difference here is that NASA won't disfellowship me for not believing in their new planet! Haha

    I was just trying to say what on earth will the Borg have to say if any of this ever became proven fact. At least strong theory. Like evolution.

    When I first heard of the fact that it's not too cold nor too hot and they had a little video demo, the first thing that popped in my head was the DVD that the Borg released not too long ago about Jehovah's creation and how they said that the earth was the ONLY planet in which life could ever exist and they had the same exact reasoning.

    Im not expecting E.T or Paul-great movie btw-... But this could be something that maybe not now but could later impact the more sciencey or nerdy class of jws into waking up from the cult so they can believe that avatar is real or whatever the hell they fantasize about...

    Hell, it's all probably BS anyway but it would just be fun to watch the Borg try to come up with an excuse like "satan is now using the universe and the rest of gods creation in the heavens like the stars to make doubts enter into our minds. Let us not forget that Jehovah created us with a purpose, to live eternally in this world and to multiply and make it our home! There is no other life except us and blah blah blah! Armageddon... Last days... Satan... Apostates... Internet being evil... Same old same old!

  • ziddina
    "For example - if God created life on all these planets - did ALL the Adam-Eve pairs SIN?
    Did God have to then send Jesus to redeem all these planets? (but only the select on them as per the JW doctrine)?
    It begins to make thing look as unscientific as the old Pope against Gallileo..."

    Hah, hah!!!

    EXACTLY, James Woods!!

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Two things come to my mind...

    1. will the revisionist product of the Watchtower realestate and investment corporation declare that jehovah lives on that planet?

    2. How the hell does all this fancy elecrojiggerwhatsyfangledang probes and telescopes tell that it has water and may be inhabitable?



  • sir82

    For one thing, we are a long long LONG way off from determining if life exists on any other extra-solar planet, even in a "hospitable zone".

    It's one thing to say "liquid water might exist there". It's a ginormous leap from that to saying "there is definitely life there".

    And, even if there is life, odds are incredibly remote that "intelligent" (self aware) life is there. As much for timing as anything else. After all, earth has been in the "hospitable zone" for billions of years, but humans have had the ability to send radio signals for what, 100 years? What if "ET" had scanned the earth 1 billion years ago, or 500 million, or 5 million, or 50,000?

    So, even if there is life on another planet: Are they at the microbe stage? the dinosaur stage? plant life only stage? some weird form of life we can't even conceive of stage?

    From a JW perspective, news of life on another planet would be far from fatal to the belief system. The only fatal thing to WTS theology would be contact with intelligent beings from elsewhere (since the WTS teaches that the issue of universal sovreignty is centered on the earth alone). And as noted above, the odds of that happening are easily in the billions-to-1 range.

  • mummatron

    Kepler 22b was discovered some time ago. It is only recently that it was discovered that it might be capable of supporting human life. But nobody's 100% certain on that!

    I almost posted this onto PunkofNice's thread about making stuff up... I don't know how many times I have heard JWs "theorise" about the universe and possible existence of inhabitable planets, but many seem to be of the opinion that,

    "We don't know exactly what Jehovah has in store for us long-term in the New System. We do know he wants us to be fruitful and fill the earth, maybe these planets serve a purpose for when that has been acheived."

    They have their heads in the sand and an answer for everything!

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