They are bothering my sister

by truthseeker1969 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker1969

    My youngest sister who has never been baptized and never shown an interest in the witnesses since her teen years was recently visited by a couple of elders.

    They asked her what she thought about witnesses and how she viewed the congregation. She basically told me that she told them she could care less what anyone believes or does but she refuses to believe that the GB are spirit directed or inspired and that the material she has been shown by my family is the same stuff since she was a child. She did tell them that she sees the GB beating people and using lies more and more and referenced me who was DF'd in absentia but then had it overturned.

    They stayed for an hour and at the end asked her to tell me that I should still limit my contact with my mother since I am not attending meetings etc.

    I thought it was strange until she told me the name of the Elders, both on my JC and both still it seeems bitter!

    So guess who the first person I called was, yes my mother and spoke to her for sister is even more determined now never to step foot in a KH!

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I am so glad your mom spoke with you for hours.

  • NewChapter

    They stayed for an hour and at the end asked her to tell me that I should still limit my contact with my mother since I am not attending meetings etc.

    That's quite presumptuous of them. Why do they think they can tell you what to do? At the moment, there is so much that angers me about what happened here, I just have to leave it at that.


  • truthseeker1969

    We never discuss spiritual matters just how her grandchildren and great grandchildren are doing.

    Just seems they are still looking for ways to get rid of me!

  • NewChapter

    It sounds like a witch hunt to me. They just aren't happy that your mother still speaks to you and they are seeking to destroy that relationship, and they can only formally do it by DF'ing you. Ask them why they are so set on destroying your mother's life.

  • truthseeker1969

    The short of the story is i refused to meet with them about an accusation they df'd in absentia failed to tell me what grounds scripturally, and right to appeal. then they discovered that the accusation was without merit when the ones making it admitted they had made an error so it was over turned.

    I know they hate me it is fine and I know they know I speak to my non witness sister daily so it was their way of finding out if I was saying anything but they did not like her answers and realized they are powerless.

    It is a witch hunt, not once have I said anything negative infact told them 'anyone can make a mistake" and forgave and forgot but now it seems that they want to destroy everything no matter what the cost. My mother who has been in 50 years is devoted to the religion but they know not to mess with her as she has forgotten more than they will ever know and so they leave her alone.

    it just seems that they have lost the plot!

  • Gayle

    well, that's so great you and your sister are out and that your mom is going to keep talking with you no matter what the elders think!

  • EmptyInside

    Wow,they used your sister to get to you. They certainly have issues.

    Your sister should tell them to go take a hike,although,I'm thinking stronger language,lol.

  • Hortensia

    "asked her to tell me that I should still limit my contact with my mother since I am not attending meetings etc."

    That is arrogant. As if you would honor their rules, when you're not a member of their church. If your mother decides not to speak to you because they push her in that direction, that's a different story, but they have no right to tell you not to talk to your mother.

  • truthseeker1969

    Thanks for all the info and support. they know they can not do anything and it must really irk them, but live by their rules and their rules only is what they think everyone should go by. sorry but family love comes first.

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