How come you have to wait on Jehovah? Shouldn't he be faster than you?

by dgp 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 2tone

    WTWizard - WHAT a post without making a reference of "Silver" Just playin, lol.

    Looking back when I was in elementary school. I remember being scared to do something that would upset Jehovah, because armageddon was gonna happent tommorow. It was miserable. I hate how they instilled fear into you as a child. It didn't take much longer to figure out it wasn't happening.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Makes sense to me. It must be hard for JAH to slow down to a human scale. Imagine all the planets he must take care of properly. Great point.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    dgp: How come you have to wait on Jehovah? Shouldn't he be faster than you?

    Good question. Recently a CO told an audience that the decision to terminate the Home Book Study arrangement did not come quickly. It was something like 2 to 2 1/2 years in the making. Thats' right! The GB kicked the idea around for over 2 years before deciding on the matter of ending what many believed was the most important meeting. All the more reason the CO said to support the new arrangement because the GB had given alot thought and prayer to the matter. Yeah, right!

    If God's Holy Spirit is so much a part of this religion's workings why did it take soo long for the GB to come up with their final decision to end the Home Book Study program? I'll tell you why! Cause Holy Spirit was absent from those meetings. Just like its' AWOL from all the other meetings where these Old Geezers decide to make changes or adjust their thinking on organizational matters.

  • ziddina

    I love it!!!

    Why did it take me almost a day to find this thread???

    I wish I was still going to a kingdom hall [yes, I'll wash my mouth out with soap, later on...], just so I could try this out on a few Jehovah's Witnesses!!!!

  • sizemik
    Imagine all the planets he must take care of properly. . . . BOTR

    Sort of like a celestial janitor? Even I can see the irony in that.

  • ziddina

    I dunno...

    My car can turn on a dime...

    I can't respect a 'god' who cannot perform as well as my car...

    Maybe "he" is still operating on "camel" time...


  • designs

    The Bible and Armageddon- Grimm's Fairy Tales on Steriods.

  • truth_b_known

    "Wating on Jehovah" is code for: "We cannot allow a rank-and-file member of the Other Sheep Class looking smarter than the Governing Body." So, know your role and shut your mouth.

    This is the ultimate proof that it's all about worshipping the Governing Body and not a God. Why would Jehovah want anyone disfellowshipped for being right? Are we to believe the Almighty would want us to publicly accept something false simply to show subjection?

    A lie is the intentional misleading or deception of another. Satan is the "Father of the Lie". So, who are they actually telling people to serve by waiting on Jehovah?

  • Heaven

    Waiting on Jehovah is not effective. Being Proactive is. So if Jah/Jehovah can't be proactive, there's something horribly wrong with him.

    It is only when we take action that we truly benefit. Doing nothing only makes a problem worse. So it follows that Jehovah is in the business of making things worse. Blech!

  • LongHairGal


    That "wait on Jehovah" rap is just a euphemism for "shut the hell up".

    As far as I was concerned, the phrase "wait on Jehovah" applied to the big picture in life - not the day to day small stuff that we were given a brain to deal with. The religion just wants mind-numbed people to sit there and take all kinds of abuse. Just my opinion.

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