A little help from you GRAPHICS guru's please!

by nicolaou 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    More than a few posters have told me that my DNC logo looks, at first glance, like DIC!!

    Well that won't do!

    If any of you can come up with something more appropriate, about the same size and with a #000033 background I would really appreciate it.

    Full credit given.



  • Ivor Hope
    Ivor Hope

    Here's a quick attempt. It neds a bit of cleaning up, but no point if you don't think much of it anyway.

  • Simon

    I think a 'no entry' style sign is something people could identify with:

    (ignore the tag line)

  • seven006


    When using a negative and positive cut out in a logo with letters sometimes the negative letter can be seen in two ways. The strong vertical of the "n" is standing out too much. You also have a nice use of shadow but the highlight is on the vertical part of the "n" and it makes it stand out that much more. That is why people are seeing an "i" instead of the "n." You also have the ellipse circle directing the eye to the round part of the "n" but it seems to be cutting it off which again makes it look like an "i."

    Your logo is fine but you might want to cut back on the shadow effect and take out the ellipse. If I get a little time I will try to work something out for you. Iv been real busy as of late but I will try to work something up later this week if you like. Your logo might work if you make a few little changes.

    Take care,


  • conflicted

    I'm a graphic artist by trade, and personally, I like the original.
    If you REALLY think it needs changing, I can set you up with a duplicate in capital letters.

    Let me know

    life is the opportunity for art

  • Francois

    Make the box that the N is in bigger on the right side so that it's more obvious that it IS an N and not an I.

    NOTE TO GOVERNING BODY: You've been challenged to a debate, boys. Dont you have ANY balls?

  • conflicted

    How's this?

    The quality stinks due to the webphotos converter - I can e-mail a hi-res version.

    life is the opportunity for art

  • Simon

    I did download a programme that was good for doing logos (not sure but it may have been called The Logo Creator or something obvious like that). Maybe worth looking at.

    I didn't think it looked like dic but since you've pointed it out, it's all I see, lol.

    I think that last one does look better.

  • nicolaou

    Thanks all of you.

    As you might have guessed i didn't actually create the logo myself and I don't know how to edit it - that's why I'm asking for help.

    Simon Where can I download that logo creator?

    Ivor I really like what you've done. Could you enlarge it to about 160 x 100 pixels, lose the horizontal white line and change the font to something like Arial/Verdana?
    Picky? Maybe, but I might actually use it.

    seven006 Thanks for the advice. As you've probably gathered, I wouldn't know how to make the changes you've talked about (God I feel simple!), but if your offer for next week still stands I would be most grateful!!

    conflicted Yes please PLEASE email me that hi-resolution image. Thanks!!

    Francois Hey!! Just couldn't bear to leave you out.



  • Ivor Hope
    Ivor Hope

    Let me know if either of thses are any good:

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