I refer back to my original posting at the begining of this discussion.
The Bible's references to blood are concerning the misuse of animal blood. Jesus said eat my flesh and drink my blood. Although this was not literal he clearly did not think that it conflicted with the Isralite law. He was refering to human blood and it's place in saving lives. To suggest that a loving God would put the value of someones spare blood above a human life is not resonable. The WT allowed blood transfusions for the first 50 years of it's existence. In Bulgaria they have signed an agreement with the goverment allowing this issue to be a matter of conscience. Will the other sheep in WT club be allowed the same latitude now or will there be a different rule, depending on where they happen to be living, when a transfusion is needed. Nothing would surprise me.
I find all this fuss about how a God feel regarding blood transfusions rather unimportant when I contemplate the WT expectations of massive blood shed and butchery at Armaggedon at the hand of the same God. But then only worldlings will die so I suppose all is well.