I'll just answer your first question as the rest of the questions don't quite apply to my situation....
Ray Franz' book, "Crisis of Conscience", helped me in so many ways, although I had left the cult approximately 24 - 25 years earlier, on my own, with no "support" system available.
Ray Franz' book clarified many things that had puzzled and dismayed me when I was a child being beaten and bullied into the religion.
One outstanding item was the horrific discrepancy between the nightmare that the Malawiian Witnesse were going through, and the way in which the Mexican brothers were 'coasting under the radar' by committing the immoral and illegal acts of bribing the Mexican officials - with the Watchtower Society's full knowledge AND APPROVAL!!!
Add to that, the fact that the Watchtower Corporation wasn't even functioning as a RELIGION in Mexico; no, they were there under the dishonest facade of being a "cultural" association...
Now, I was a VERY IMPRESSIONABLE young pre-teen girl when the "Malawi" situation exploded in the pages of the Watchtower and Awake magazines...
I clearly remember the tone of the articles - how the Society almost seemed to drool and slobber over the accounts of horrific gang-rapes of some of the Malawiian sisters; how the Society wailed and tore at its collective robes over the "Persecution ™ " that the brothers and isters were suffering from.
They ballyhooed that "persecution" for all it was worth... I recall the Watchtower Society implying that the suffering of the Malawiian brothers and sisters was a preview of what would be happening to ALL OF US as the "Great Tribulation ™ " set in, too... [This was all pre-1975...]
WONderful mental images for a 12-year-old girl to have in her head...
I even remember writing a version of that letter that they printed in the magazine, and sending it off to the Malawiian president, like a good little JW robot....
So when I found out the REAL story behind the "story", I was absolutely livid with fury!! But it also confirmed some of the suspicions I had had about the situation, at the time.
The U.N. situation was another one that had me shaking my head, when I learned about it... But after the inside story on the Malawiian situation, I had stopped being surprised by the Watchtower Society's absolutely mind-boggling hypocrisy...
As I said before, I was "out" for a VERY long time, before I read "Crisis of Conscience", but I cannot describe the "Ah - HAH!!!" feeling I had, as I read of the filthy hypocrisy and evil lying at the heart of the Watchtower Corporation.
I had sensed it, suffered from it, but never had been able to NAME it - until I read that book...