Being Transgendered

by mariemcg 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • mariemcg

    Hi my name is Marie. I was brought up in the truth from birth being born XY. I went through torture as a child being born this way and apearing female in every way, even wearing boy clothes.. At the age of 15 years old decided that going through the amendment of my gender identity was a must and sought medical adv at the earliest oppertunity... This lead to me being thrown out of my home at the tender age of 15...

    As time past they accepted me as their daughter a few months later.. Thanks to Jehovah as i was getting involved in a lot of bad things to keep a roof over my head.

    At the age of 20 they paid for my surgery for which i've never looked back from and feel so much more comfortable with my body and myself.. I'm quite sure if i'd remained as my birth sex that i would not be here now writing this.

    I started going back to the meetings shortly after having surgery and was met with some love and predjudice to the extent of which toilet i should be using and what clothes i should be wearing...

    I've started to study again but am afraid of being stumbled again in regards to going to the meetings... After a lot of prayer and considering scriptures like -

    1 Cor 7:24- i understand that this is re circumcision but would the principal stretch as far as my situation?

    Then you have Jesus talking about Eunichs being born from the womb in Mat 19:12, and Isa 56: 3-6. the thing that i find difficult to take on board is would Johovah and Jesus want me to suffer or even me commit suicide or remain alive having surgery that goes against the principles that the Governing Body preaches.

    I have accepted that i would never be able to get baptised now because i do feel that jehovah will not reject me but as he has been answering my prayers and that no temtation will be put before me beyond what i can bear( 1 Cor 10:13).

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Love to you!!!

    I was just watching a program about this with my hubby. Of course we don't have kids, but we both said if we had a child with transgender issues we would do anything to help. Move away, surgury, medical help!!!

    I can't imagine what you have been thru... Don't go back to those judgmental people. Hold your head high and shake your booties


  • designs

    Marie, you are doing the best by seeking sound medical advise and perhaps couseling. I don't think the Society has much experience with Hermaphrodites and Transgender persons. In all the years I served as an Elder I only dealt with two persons born with both sex organs and zero training until I went to college years later for my degree work in Counseling.

    You are among friends here.

  • mariemcg

    You know what i don't really care what they think, the couple that i've been studying with have been fantastic.. My faith in jehovah has not been destroyed in any way... I still go to the meetings and ignore the people i need to ignore. At the end of the day I feel i'm there for jehovah and no one else..


    M xx

  • Heaven

    Hi Marie and welcome.

    We cannot deny who we are. But religion wants us to. I've never found my parents to be able to handle the reality of homosexuality, transgender, or bisexuality. It's like they just put blinders on. They were/are very judgmental towards anyone who is not heterosexual. JWs are anything but forgiving. Anything that is considered an 'abomination' to the Watchtower will be dealt with.

    You need to find a place where you can be who you are. "To thine own self, be true". I do not believe you will find that with the JWs.

    Chickpea might be able to give you some good insight as well. She has a transgender child. It has been quite a journey for them. She's a great Mom.

  • mariemcg

    Hi thanks every one for messages.

    Heaven; I've seen a lot of the threads she has written. It sounds like a real ordeal has been going on there. I can really empathise with the situation.

  • Leolaia

    Hi marie! Welcome to the forum.

    We have heard from time to time about people raised as JWs who were gay and lesbian, and the struggles they had with pressures from the elders and the organization, but I don't think we have ever heard from someone who has had an experience quite like yours. I think we might be interested to hear more about what it was like to be "brought up in the truth" dealing with the kind of issues you faced. The congregation, for instance, has very sharply defined roles for men and women, with sisters not being allowed to do many of the things expected of the brothers, and the brothers trained from an early age to participate and eventually seek out congregational responsibilities. I think it would be interesting to hear what kind of pressures you faced from the elders, from older brothers and sisters, and also how your peers treated you. Did you experience reproof, marking, disfellowshipping on account of your issues?

    Regarding scriptures that might have some resonance with you, you might also be interested in Galatians 3:28: "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus". The message here is that Christ doesn't care what race or gender you are, only that you have faith in him.

  • truthseeker1969

    All i would say is that Christ died for all and made no distinction period. leolaia hit it right on the head, it is how you love not who you love and the fact that you can love.

    you are an admirable person

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Welcome, Marie!

  • mariemcg

    Thanks Leolaia.

    Well i was told once as a child i was to start acting and apearing more manly... this to me was impossible did they expect me to draw a moustache on my face?? it was a completely alien request i was just being me.. I started going out on the ministry at an early age trying to hide behind a curtain and hopefully maybe forget about my medical problem. i was never baptised but i'm sure if i was i would of been DF.

    There is a book that is being studied in the meetings now about the book of acts- there is a bit about the Ethiopian Eunich being baptised by Philip i think then in a foot note it mentions Deut 23:1 that people like myself are not able to enter into gods kingdom and that the eunich was prob a someone looking after the treasury or of a cup bearer.. What do you think?


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