Very interesting stuff. Makes you think about what's important.
by metatron 12 Replies latest jw friends
Very interesting stuff. Makes you think about what's important.
Very insightful.
Thanks for that link Metatron.
From the family and friends that I've had pass away, I'd have to concur with this list.
Good stuff ... thanks!
From my own experiences so far..... I don't regret the things I've done, but I do regret the things I didn't do.
I think I will print this out to save.. Thanks.
Those are good. But the one I would have thought topped the list wasn't there. Regret in regards to children... arguments unresolved, wishing that you had done more or better, spent more time with them, taught more, been more patient, helped more, etc. I guess the other reasons touch base on that, in regards to friends. But if I were to die (or be very close to dying), mistakes that have not been resolved yet with my children would be my biggest regret. Things gone unsaid, or not taught. Even parents of adult children have regrets. I'm really suprised that it didn't make the top five.
Great post! How true.
Tammy, I think the Wish I had worked less covers regrets about children.
Yeah, I think you're right, FHN.
I think number 1 applies to so many JWs who know the truth about the cult but stay in. I think it's a shame to give even one more minute to that disgusting organization after you know it to be false. You gotta live your life, not the life other people want you to live.