please, PLEASE, i beg you all..... I need whatever sources from the WTBS that support their belief that the world was ending in 1975. details are forthcoming. Please I need this..... Hans is in trouble......
Mr. Falcon needs your help NOW
by Mr. Falcon 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mickey mouse
Mr F, I can email you copies of pretty much everything in that video if that helps?
I'll put Mickey mouse on it, post haste!
There are two important aspects to the 1975 lie both originating from the bible.
The first and the most obvious is nowhere is it mentioned in the bible that god's day of judgment will come after
6000 years or symbolic Days of mankind's existence from Adam .
It does say though that no one will know the time not even the son, therefore making up any calculable dating system
is basically unscriptural.
Therefore 6000 years has no relevancy to the topic in relation to when Armageddon should appear.
And secondly there is no real solidly accurate way to calculate 6000 years back to Adam's existence and end up at the fall of 1975,
this professed doctrine alone makes most bible scholars laugh with justifiable ridicule.
1975 for the WTS. was a marketing scheme to infuse the suggestion that god's day of judgment upon mankind was to happen soon
and all were advise to heed this proclamation. Unfortunately the marketing scheme did work, the WTS sold more of their pieces of literature
worldwide, more people became proselyting JWS and perhaps more money was cultivated as well from all of this activity.
The WTS. came out clear winners for a time, well at least up to and shortly past 1975, the following years weren't so good
since people started to realize what they were up to.
Word for word quote from: Awake! Oct 8, 1968 pg 13-
THE fact that fifty·four years of the
period called the "last days" have al·
ready gone by is highly significant. It
means that only a few years, at most, remain
before the corrupt system of things
dominating the earth is destroyed by God.
How can we be so certain of this?
One way is by noting what Jesus said
when he gave his great prophecy about
the "last days." After he listed the many
events that would mark this period, he
also stated: "Truly I say to you that this
generation will by no means pass away
until all these things occur."-Matt. 24:34.Jesus was obviously speaking about
those who were old enough to witness
with understanding what took place when
the "last days" b£t"an. Jesus was saying
that some of those persons who were alive
at the appearance of the 'sign of the last
days' would still be alive when God
brought this system to its end.
Even if we presume that youngsters 15
years of age would be perceptive enoughto realize the import of what happened in
1914, it would still make the youngest of
"this generation" nearly 70 years old today.
So the great majority of the generation
to which Jesus was referring has already
passed away in death. The remaining
ones are approaching old age. And
remember, Jesus said that the end of this
wicked world would come be/ore that generation
passed away in death. This, of itself,
tells us that the years left before the
foretold end comes cannot be many.6,000 Years Nearing Completion
There is another way that helps confinn
the fact that we are living in the final
few years of this "time of the end." (Dan.
12:9) The Bible shows that we are nearing
the end of a full 6,000 years of human
history. What significance does this have?
When God gave his laws to ancient Israel,
one of those laws involved keeping
the sabbath day holy. On the seventh day
of the week there was to be no labor. The
people were to rest from all their toil. (Ex.
20:8-11) The Bible states that "the Law
has a shadow of the good things to come."
-Heb. 10:l.
Revelation chapter 20, verse 6, shows
that God's heavenly kingdom will rule
over the earth for one thousand years
after the end of this system of things.
That millennium will bring a sabbathlike
rest to the earth and all those then inhabiting
it. Hence, the first six thousand
years since man's creation could be likened
to the first six days of the week in
ancient Israel. The seventh one-thousandyear
period could be likened to the seventh
day, the sabbath, of that week.-2 Pet.
How fitting it would be for God, following
this pattern, to end man's misery
after six thousand years of human rule
and follow it with His glorious Kingdom
rule for a thousand years! This KingdomChristians have prayed for during many
centuries.-Matt. 6: 10.
When Do 6,000 Years End?
How can it be determined when 6,0IX)
years of human history will end?
According to reliable Bible chronology,
Adam and Eve were created in 4026
B.C.E.· From the autumn of
4026 B.C.E. to 1 B.C.E ..... 4,025 years
1 B.C.E. to 1 C.E ..................... 1 year
1 C.E. to 1968 C.E ........... 1,967 years
Total to autumn 1968 .... 5,993 yearsThis would leave only seven more years
from the autumn of 1968 to complete
6,000 full years of human history. That
seven-year period will evidently finish in
the autumn of the year 1975.
Does this mean that the above evidence
positively points to 1975 as the time for
the complete end of this system of things?
Since the Bible does not specifically state
this, no man can say. However, of this
we can be sure: The 1970's will certainly
see the most critical times mankind has
yet known. The deterioration in human
relations-within families, communities,
cities and nations, and between nations
-will worsen, not improve. (2 Tim. 3:13)
If the 1970's should see intervention by
Jehovah God to bring an end to a corrupt
world drifting toward ultimate disintegration,
that should surely not surprise us. -
It was supposed to be September 5th, at sundown--straight from the horses's mouth:
Word for word quote from: Awake! May 22, 1969 pg 14-15
What Future For the Young Ones?
YOUNG or old, you need
to face up to the fact
that this system is not going
to change its direction.
Under Satan's influence, it
will continue to deteriorate
rapidly in its remaining
The truth of this can be
seen in crime statisticseverywhere. In the United States
the Federal Bureau of Investigation
reported that in 1968 therewas a fantastic 17 -percent increase in
crime over 1967. This came on top of
many years of other large increases. The
population, however, grew only one percent
last year. So crime exploded seventeen
times as fast as the population!If you are a young person, you also need
to face the fact that you will never grow
old in this present system of things. Why
not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment
af Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt
system is due to end in a few years.
Of the generation that observed the beginning
of the "last days" in 1914, Jesus
foretold: "This generation will by no
means pass away until all these things
accur."-Matt. 24:34.Therefore, as a young person, you will
never fulfill any career that this system
offers. If you are in high school and thinking
about a college education, it means
at least four, perhaps even six or eight
more years to graduate into a specialized
career. But where will this system of
things be by that time? It will be well on
the way toward its finish, if not actually
gone! -
Oops! Double Post
Edited to add: Those old Awake mags are not available on the WT-CD, however someone here did make them available to download the full year of each bound volume. I have the hard copy BV of at least one of them.
Be safe Falcon, watch your 6.