I hung out with a group of JW's the other night for the first time outside going to kingdom hall, and the conversation was seriously limited. Do JW's just not want to talk about anything that regular people with a clue about something in the world get together to talk about, or are they really that boring due to the brainwashing? It was astonishing. People got loud once the alcohol kicked in, but interesting or thought provoking never happened.
Why are JW's so boring?
by howdidtihappen 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
JW's are trained not to think for themselves. It doesn't leave much room for normal conversation, more like trying to actually talk to a parrot.
Because if they express an independent, original thought it might lead to disfellowshipping!
I know the answer! I met a pioneer sister at the library. I was trying to get back on boring Bible Discussion Forum* (but it's not worth making a new email address).
I asked how pioneering is going. She said great. She said she has no time to think of anything else. That's why. No time.
No Room For George
1 Pet 1:16 reads, "You must be boring, for I am boring, is the utterance of the Watchtower."
Lady Lee
They are well trained to believe that the only interesting thing is what they believe about God and Armageddon. Everything else will be destroyed so there is not point in thinking about it or talking about it. It is far better to spend all their time thinking about theocratic endeavors - meetings and preaching.
When people are told required to keep only one thing at the forefront of their thinking JWs obey.
One reason I think they are boring is that they paint all human societies, cultures, governments, etc. with a broad brush by referring to them as "this system of things." They consider this supposed "system" to be futile, doomed, and not worthy of their participation. Rather than participate, they choose to focus solely on preaching their religion, looking for people who might be receptive to it and join it.
For example, with politics, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they are taught not to express a definite opinion (other than to say it's all doomed and you should join their religion). The most they will do is acknowledge that politician X did such-and-such, and they will read the newspaper looking for topics to serve as conversation starters for their preaching. I think that after years of refusing to go through the mental process of attempting to form personal opinions, they become boring and unable to have stimulating discussions.
freeintime - I think there is a problem with posts showing up on this site with Internet Explorer. I use Firefox with no problem. Maybe try a different browser.
Aussie Oz
OThey can only say ''see you in paradise'' so many times before it sounds ridiculous...so then they shut up, nuthin' else to say.