If You Have Had the CO or DO Stay With You...

by A question 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • A question
    A question

    For those of you who have had the CO/DO stay with you for the week:

    How was the experience?

    How did they spend their free time? Were they at your home, and if so what did they do while there? Or did they mainly do their own thing?

    Interested in comparing experiences.


  • finallysomepride

    No, if I had ever been asked I would have flatly refused, then again I was never spiritual enuf

  • Iamallcool

    I have one CO stayed with my family one time for one week long time ago. He was a single brother. He was in and out of the house many times. I did not have any problems with him.

  • ekruks

    He was pleasant.

  • DaCheech

    we had a couple when they had their CO school.

    we made the mistake of giving them $75 on their first morning, to find out that our prepared dinner for them was wasted (they went to restaurant with the other pals).

    they were not bad people, but ungrateful.............. no verbal thanks

  • 3rdgen

    In the late 70's we had the CO stay with us for the week. When they first arrived and before they were even shown their room he said "There is a program on TV that I would like to watch on Sun.evening." I had to know what show was SO important to him. Guess what it was? The Miss Universe Beauty Pagent!!! I must have looked dumfounded, so his wife explained that it was being telecast from Hong Kong. They were both origionally from there so that accounted for some of the interest.

    We actually had a very nice time with them that week. His wife was darling-always happy and helpful in the kitchen at dinner. He was quiet and mostly stayed in their room UNTILL.... Sun morn. The weather had turned suddenly cold in the night and it started to snow which was unusual for our area. There was talk that the meeting would be cancelled as the parking lot of the KH and most streets had not been plowed and it was still snowing cats and dogs. Since there was not likely going to be a meeting I stayed in my bathrobe and made blueberry muffins. The phone started ringing off the hook from the friends calling to ask if the meeting was cancelled or not. I happened to hear him say that the meeting was cancelled at the KH but there was going to be a WT study at MY HOUSE in 30 mins.!!! He NEVER BOTHERED TO ASK MY HUSBAND OR ME! Within 10 min. people started showing up while hubby and I scrambled to get ready. In all 57 people with muddy shoes arrived.

    That night we all watched the Beauty pagent and had beer and popcorn. We commented on all the various contestants. When his favorite didn't get into the finalists he went to bed in a huff. His lovely wife and I watched till the end and had some great female bonding. They were unique people to say the least! This was the only time we hosted.

  • N.drew

    3rdgen's story is a good one. It would make a good chapter in a book.

  • 3rdgen

    NDrew, Thanks, I know I have enough material for 2 books. One on my family's and my life and experiences as JWs, and one about my ex husbands adventures.

  • mamamo

    Never had them stay at our house when I was still at home. But one time when my mom was out in service with them, they stopped at our house The wife saw one of my Harlequin romances (I know, these were my one vice, but my mom got me hooked at 10 years old) The wife said how terrible they were and that they lead to DF, etc. So then I had to start hiding them from my mom. I love going into a bookstore and buying whatever type of book I damn well please!

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Mamamo...my ex mother (elders wife and deceased) in law read 'mills and boon' books more than anything...inc the WT


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