Give us your vote on the Watch Tower's approach to domestic abuse!!

by cedars 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cedars

    another bump for good measure....


  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Just saw this thread and took the survey. Thanks again cedars and Jaun Viejo2 for all you do. You guys are great.


  • cedars

    Thanks LITS, we appreciate your vote.

    Come on guys - we're currently still on only 81 votes. Let's try and get over the 100 mark today!

    This is an important issue, and it deserves more attention...


  • sizemik

    Cedars & JV . . .

    I have tried reposting comment . . . as a new comment and also in reply . . . without success. I'm currently using IE 8 browser.

    I'm not complaining . . . just hoping to be of help.

  • cedars

    Thanks sizemik

    We'll look into it!!


  • Fernando

    Spiritually blind people can sometimes be right, but as Jesus pointed out ultimately they and their followers will end up in a pit.

    The WBT$ has certainly generated an embarrassing litany or "morass, of inconsistencies" in their dogmatic, supremacist and self-righteous advice and rules.

  • cedars

    Well said Fernando....


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I just pimped the survey on a FB group. Maybe you'll get a little flurry of activity the next couple days. The group has almost 900 members.

  • designs

    Cedars- By Paul saying that a believer should 'crucify the flesh and its desires' he is setting up the dynamic that Christians have followed for centuries namely the mental acceptance of self-inflicted punishment and external punishment as the proper and inevitable course of the Christian life style.

    Forms of mortification can be extreme from singing until a hypnotic state is induced to flagellation. The GB touts extreme mortification with its blood policy, prison sentences, physical spanking of babies and children, and physical abuse of adults in marriage as examples of the 'good and faithful' christian things to do or suffer.

  • cedars

    Wow, thanks for that Mad Sweeney! To be honest I have been lamenting that we still haven't gone past the one-hundred mark on what I feel is a REALLY important issue. Anything that gets more exposure for the survey is definitely positive. I appreciate you taking the initiative with this!


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