During the 1940's people were discouraged from getting married and having children. One publication, I think it was the Paradise book (Van Hamburghs version) that said young people should wait for 'a few months till after Armageddon' before getting married.
Rutherford's book 'Children' discouraged having children. This extract from Chapter 10:
Should men and women, both of whom are Jonadabs or "other sheep" of the Lord, now marry before Armageddon and bring forth children? They may choose to do so, but the admonition or advice of the Scriptures appears to be against it. Being married before Armageddon and both continuing faithful and surviving Armageddon, their marital relationship shall continue and persist after Armageddon. They receive their right to life everlasting after Armageddon, and after receiving that right to life their children then born would be born in righteousness. Children born before Armageddon of parents who had not received the right to life would not be born with the right to life, but would have the privilege of choosing to serve God and Christ and live if they prove their integrity. Otherwise stated, each one must individually choose and individually be tested.
The prophetic picture seems to set forth the correct rule, to wit: The three sons of Noah and their wives were in the ark and were saved from the flood. They did not have any children, however, until after the flood. They began to have children two years after the flood. (Genesis 11:10,11) No children were taken into the ark and none were born in the ark, and hence none were brought out of the ark. Only eight persons went in and eight came out of the ark. (1 Peter 3:20; Genesis 8:18) That would appear to indicate it would be proper that those who will form the "great multitude" should wait until after Armageddon to bring children into the world.
It is only a few years from the time the "other sheep" are gathered to the Lord until Armageddon. That entire period is a time of much tribulation, concluding with the greatest tribulation the world will ever have known. Speaking of that very time, Jesus says: "Woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!" — Matthew 24:19, 21.
That would seem to mean that those who would have infants during Armageddon would suffer much greater woe because of their care of the same. It is a great responsibility to rear children and care for them now, and it would be far greater difficulty to care for them during the time of the great tribulation upon the earth. Jonadabs, or "other sheep" of the Lord, who are now married and have children are blessed with the great opportunity and the obligation to teach their children the Word of God and to show them the necessity of choosing the Lord and taking their stand on the side of THE THEOCRACY and being fully obedient and loyal to the Kingdom. There is but one possible way their children can find protection and blessing, and that is by choosing the Lord and fleeing to the Lord and serving him. Each one must choose for himself.