I just noticed, with the 6/15 WT last year, they 'apostasised" themselves

by EndofMysteries 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Alfred

    Speculating about dates is NOT AUTHORIZED. -Acts 1:7

    ... yet the GB have given themselves permission to do something that the apostles were not allowed to do by Jesus...

  • steve2

    Perhaps a timely - but highly unlikely - wording for a Watchtower study article is "We [The Governing Body] Are the Very People We Warned You About"

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Good catch EOM

  • sd-7

    Just so we're clear, it's the April 15, 2010 Watchtower you're referring to, with the Matthew 24:34 "overlap" doctrine discussed. I'm just saying it because I didn't see it specifically mentioned; I may have missed it.

    But they're masters of declaring what shouldn't be done and then doing it themselves. It's just "Mother" saying "Do as I say, not as I do". Nothing new in that...


  • truth_b_known

    Don't forget; if you vocalized the current belief of what a "generation" is prior to it being put into print by the evil empire you would be disfellowshipped for being an apostate.

  • sd-7

    I can imagine--people would've been joking about how bizarre that was until they saw it in print, then there'd be a lot of awkward silence, or worse still, lively discussion about how amazing this new understanding is...


  • EndofMysteries

    Yea sd7, if anybody ever mentioned or suggested such an interpretation, then everybody would of called that dumb, insane, and ridiculous. Then when seeing it in print, it would be, "We sure appreciate the faithful and discreet slave class to understand these hard to understand prophecies and tell us what the scriptures really mean."

  • Scott77

    Perhaps a timely - but highly unlikely - wording for a Watchtower study article is "We [The Governing Body] Are the Very People We Warned You About"

    This reminds me of self-fulfiling prophesy.

  • punkofnice

    Stay alive 'til '75!

  • Vanderhoven7


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