Good luck OTWO...I can't stomach their articles either. The last couple of threads I have attempted to read on here quoting them, just disgust me. They are reminders of what rubbish the religion is and that is all.
A New Year's Resolution- I Gotta Stop Reading Anything From Watchtower
by OnTheWayOut 19 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks Reader1, Serenity Now.
Gary Neal, it is something that they are so sure they are the only ones who (fill in some JW doctrine).
AGuest, I have seen that it is poison. But I thought I might need to stay up on it. It ain't doing me or my JW family any good for me to "know" what they are saying. And the more it changes, the more it stays the same. There's plenty of stupid articles beyond the latest.
Thanks, OM. I will.
Thanks, Watersprout. Here's to inner peace (Clink.)
AK Jeff, I will continue to enjoy people I have met here, but I will be cutting back permanantly.
Stillthinking, that's the attitude I have. Thanks.
OTWO . . . I know just where you're coming from.
WTS propaganda is so different when viewed with a critical eye . . . the logical fallacies, misquotes, false analagies and downright bullshit is just too nauseating to the stomach after a while.
Maybe I will be found more and more on fluff threads while I fade from interest in what WTS is up to.
It's the fluff threads all the way for me. Even serious threads on science, history and evolution seem impervious to the facts here at times. Some well-informed posters make some great factual points . . . apparently to no avail.
Fluff threads allow me to say hello to all the good folks here and enjoy their company . . . and it seems all the more enjoyable when WTS crap is left out of the picture.
I hope 2012 is full of happiness for you. What kind of hobbies can you pursue? Just keep being you, and be true to that. If you slip and read some WTS material, don't beat yourself up, but remember to use it for toilet paper when you are finished for good measure.
Sizemilk, thanks. I think I need to have the "WTS crap...left out of the picture."
Mamalove, I ride my bicycle. I ride it alot. I play tennis with co-workers. During the winter, I will get things done around the house that require a hammer or paintbrush. And it ain't like an alcoholic slipping, I won't worry about falling off the wagon. Thanks, though.
No Room For George
I saddens me that the people on this thread don't appreciate well prepared spiritual food.
I saddens me that the people on this thread don't appreciate well prepared spiritual food......NRFG
Good cause thats wut yer gettin for every meal..
The same old WBT$ Crap.
Baked/Fried/BBQ`d/Braised/Puried/Boiled/Roasted/Nuked or Burned..
Theres even WBT$ Crap Soup and Sandwich`s..
What you don`t eat will be served up for WBT$ Crap leftovers..
Just how bad does WBT$ Crap taste?..
You be the Judge..
This man is going to "Make it Big",in Watchtower World!..
Somebody get him another Plate of WBT$ Crap!
wha happened?
I gleen from here the referances to a recent artical, and if it interests me, I'll go read the mag. Now what I mean by interests me, is when the dubs change a doctrine or print something outragious like the recent mag on wifes getting beaten for Jah
NRFG, that could have been a well-prepared comment.
Outlaw, I am not sure if I like that one.
Wha Happened, while that is new, it's the same-old same-old.