I try hard not to judge others

by Found Sheep 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Since leaving the JW life. I see people for there good, even if it is hard to find. Sure people get under my skin at times. I have a long way to go. Even the troll and 007 I realize there must be a reason for the insensative remarks they have made. That being said... My difficulty came today at the local dump.

    Now remember I live in a poor area. So..... I pull up to the dump and see a common seen. Three people, two men and a woman. They look like they are 90 but probably in there 40s. You know the type? They give WV our reputation. No teeth, dirty, long scragaly hair. The boys are looking at me like I'm a fresh piece of deer meat. All that being said the woman is dumpster diving. Looks like the men got a few "treasures" also. I knew they did this so I always schread papers and I leave food at the top of my garbage bag. Todays treat for my dumpster divers was the oil that we fried our deer meat in last night. Hey they wanted dear meat right?

    This is how I've changed. Years ago when I'd see them I'd be scared and not look at them. Today I smiled at the woman and said some "niceties" and the men, didn't want to provoke more looks but I even gave them a small smile. I got back to my car and it caught my attention that I have changed, for real.

  • Jomavrick

    That's a nice story about how we can change. I agree that I used to look at people differently too as a JW. Thinking that your neighbors and the people at the grocery store and in the parking lot and the office, are all going to die and get eaten by carrion birds, effects your compassion button. It makes you feel like you are somehow superior to them - even though you are not.

    I love that breaking free from that mindset gives people like you a real sense of humanity and caring for others - even though you dont know them! It is kind of like the expression - by the grace of God go I,,,, Except now it really seems to be real. All of us in this life can go from the heights of success and crash to a desperate condition - dont ever think it cant happen to you.

    Bless you for sharing your story and caring, we need a few more billion people just like you on this earth!!

  • truth_b_known

    Found Sheep:

    By your description of the dump patrons; by any chance did you overhear any of them say they were looking for their "precious"?

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    ha ha ha probably

  • undercover

    You're not from Boone County are you?


  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    no but the same "type" I've been to Boone to help in FS and my ex gave talks there

  • curiouscynic

    Undercover, I was thinking the SAME THING!

    It is funny how differently you look at people when you're out. I actually started making friends AT WORK!! *GASP* And I participate in charity fundraisers now that I never would've been involved in as a JW. Of course... I was poor when I was a JW, so that may have something to do with that as well... LOL.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    it amazing how much you change once u are out. I really looked down my nose at the homeless back then. I certainly don't now

  • NomadSoul

    That's very nice of you!

  • undercover

    When I was still "in", fully believing, I had the standard JW hatred of anything gay/lesbian. Once I was out, I realized how mistaken I was. Just because I didn't understand (or bother to learn anything about it) didn't mean they were evil, sinister, sin loving worshippers of Satan. They're just people, like me. Once I got past my prejudice, I realized that judging without knowing anything about a person or group was ignorant and stupid...just like I was; an ignorant JW, who never looked beyond his own nose (or the WT publications).

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