Tell it Josie :))
As for me I stay away from convertables, Harleys, and pools
sista ain't havin' it
by OnTheWayOut 37 Replies latest jw friends
Tell it Josie :))
As for me I stay away from convertables, Harleys, and pools
sista ain't havin' it
You are right about that Mrs. J. Water is the black woman's kryptonite! I can't remember the last time I got my hair wet in a pool.
If the black girl had products in her hair you best believe she wasn't interested in getting her hair wet. And if she had a relaxer on her hair I'm quite sure she wouldn't go near any chlorine laced pool because the chemicals in the pool water would cause her hair to break off. Relaxers and clorine aren't a good combo for hair.
LOL Mrs. J---I was thinking this the whole time I was reading. I was imagining the outrageous look some of my friends would give me if I even suggested there was a fun activity that involved a drop of water much less hair eating chemicals. I'm still giggling at the thought.
I was intrigued by Chris Rock's documentary called "Black Hair." It seems as though beauty schools only focus on one hair type. The woman may have valid concerns about her pool water. These could be solved by requiring everyone to wear bathing caps. I have never been able to swim in a public pool without a hair cap. Most public pools monitor showering before use. Not sure what a shower accomplishes in one minute.
If this happened in the 1920s or something, I could see her reasoning more. I grew up as economic integration of de facto segregation happened. The last big item to fall was races swimming together. I think that interracial sexual relationships were the only bigger fear.
Of course, black hair chemical products provide a handy excuse. White people use hair products on their hair. It seems that any stray hair is not good for a filtered pool.
Chris Rock did a stunning job. White women wear weaves, too. Imagine swimming and having a weave hit you in your face.
It shocked me how much black people still bite into white as attractive and beautiful to the point of torturing themselves and using toxic products. Some children have no food b/c all the money went to mommy's weave. I recall the afro popularity. Slid back.
First, not all black people have "strange hair products". I have seen many "strange hair products" for people of all races. Black people often wear their hair with minimal to no "strange hair products". Some blacks have very short hair, or none at all--so much for "strange hair products". And white people are just as likely to have spike gels and other chemicals in their hair--if anyone has seen certain styles of rock music portraying "strange hair products" targeted for white people, they would see this argument as specious.
I believe most public swimming pools ban "strange hair products" anyways. You are required to remove any products that could unreasonably pollute the water or create an unreasonable sanitation issue. This is standard--and banning a race just because they are of that race is so 1920s. It might have been common in the 1920s, but having a policy against blacks using a public swimming pool is out of date. You can target individuals that attempt to intimidate others with reverse racism, or that refuse to remove products that unreasonably pollute the pools. But, targeting blacks as a group in a public swimming pool or other public facility is not acceptable these days.
It might be acceptable if it was a private swimming pool. In that situation, however, anyone that is not explicitly invited would not have legal access and could be prosecuted for trespassing. And private pool owners have the right to decide who they are going to allow on their personal property, if only because they don't want liability issues or having people leaving rubbish and busting things on purpose. But, if it is intended for use by the public, that doesn't apply--those who trash the place, harass other users, or create liability issues beyond reasonable extent would instead be barred from trashing it for others. But not based solely on race.
This reminds me of a story told Grouch Marx about when he was at the pool of a country club and was inform that Jews weren't allowed in the pool. He asked if his daughter could go in up to her waist seeing as she was only half Jewish.
I remember when I was in the eighth grade and learned that in the South black people weren't allow to drink out of the same drinking fountains as whites. I had trouble believing it wasn't just a fabrication. I mean how could a whole section of the country be that mean and stupid. I guess the stupidity lives on in people like this woman.
Can I post "men only"?
Can I post "no women wearing monthly higiene pads"?
Can I post "no smelly mexicans"?
What other freaky remarks can I not post?
What's this country comung to!
hey I'm a smelly Mexican. Maybe the pool will do me some good
If someone this stupid can own rental property
Own, manage, oversee, do maintenance on... runs the gamut, dear MS (peace to you!). Some folks like to think that racism is pretty much "over" in this country. They obviously don't work in rental housing... where it is RAMPANT. Along with a plethora of other "civil rights" violations. Hence, the entire Fair Housing industry... which is larger than some of you might guess.
Thanks for posting this, Jer. I am glad we CAN on this board; otherwise, some might not EVER be "educated" as to the existence of things like this in the "good 'ol U.S. of A."
Peace, all!
A slave of Christ,
She would have her ass thrown into Jail here in the UK.