I see these movies lately, that show men and woman having sex as a friends without 'planned' emotions. Who then fall in love, and end up having to admit that sex without emotion was not possible. I wonder though, do you really think this is the case. Can sex between two people, be done without an emotional connection?
Of course, I doubt there are to many men out there who sleep with a prostitute that think they're in love (although, I suspect there could be some). Yet, I think because many of us were raised conservative Christian. We have that teaching that you only have sex with those you love, are emotionally connected to and have deep feelings for. Then, when the sex happens, it might not be the fireworks they thought.
As human beings, we see people as attractive and I know men see woman as sexy. Although, I am sure this is a male perspective. I will say that as a man, I do not need, and would not have a lingering emotional attachment to a woman by simply having sex. So, if a friend said 'Want to have sex and still be friends?' I know it is possible without having these romantic comedies Hollywood is putting out.
How do you feel about this?