STEP RIGHT UP Hurry Hurry Hurry We've got the cure for what ails you!

by Terry 46 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    Now, what are the sincere JWs to do? All those lurking "in the shadows."

    What should they do next?

    That's my question. And also, realistically, in your opinion Terry, should seven million believers in the JW Organization, be made to feel like victims of tricky charlatans?

    Okay, fair enough.

    First of all, I don't think any of us really can be MADE TO FEEL without our own co-operation. We buy-in and play the game at our own cost.

    I have had a lifelong friend who brought me in to the Organization when I was 12 who is STILL an active JW.

    We've had countless "forbidden" discussions.

    He puts Loyalty above facts about false prophecy. Loyalty to who, God? No, the Organization.

    He once asked me, "Okay, where am I supposed to go if I leave Jehovah's Organization? What religion can I choose instead? Where can you find people who don't believe in hellfire, immortality of the soul, the Trinity, etc."

    But, what he doesn't and WON'T realize----is that the CHOICE IS NOT BINARY!

    The Watchtower Society has deliberately made their members think that ONLY BINARY CHOICE is possible. US---or---NOTHING.

    In fact, there is absolutely no convincing reason anybody needs to join some official GROUP with a name and a billboard to worship God and receive

    secret inside information about THE END of the WORLD!

    I personally went through a disastrous period in my life after being disfellowshipped out of the blue in 1979.

    I wept bitterly for days on end. I drank a bottle of brandy each and every night for a year! My wife had become disillusioned right after 1975 came and went and NOTHING happened and nothing was said by the Society.

    She lost her magical view of their "special" status and became depressed.

    She died in a car wreck. We had 3 small children. I continued to raise them alone until I remarried.

    It took me a long, bitter, puzzled and angry time to do enough reading to verify I'd been bamboozled for real.

    After all, it was PRE-INTERNET and information was really hard to come by!

    Now, after all these years, I'm able to say this:

    You can worship God without anybody agreeing with you and you need not fear that God will mash you underfoot like a small worm who didn't "get it right."

    There are too many experts who know nothing. They only think they do.

    We don't need religious LEADERS telling us what to think.

    You don't have to believe anything. You don't have to be made to think there is just ONE TRUE THING---if only you could figure it out!

    That is a lie and always has been.

    People who have a secret hotline to heaven are liars and they need YOU to make them powerful.

    Ex-JW's need to get a grip. Do the hard work yourselves.

    Read about the history of the bible and the history of early christianity. It is a real eye-opener!

    There is considerable fraud and misrepresentation about these subjects, so, read widely.

    When you leave Mother Organization you stop being a baby and learn to crawl and finally walk on your own.

    IT IS YOUR MIND and YOUR LIFE and you are the only one in charge of making it work!

  • thetrueone

    Was that the intent of your depiction of things? To make us JWs, feel like fools?

    JanetB sounds like the on the fence kind of person hasn't completely realized the Truth about the WTS. and the men the run that organization.

    I like to know why she's so objectionable about knowing the truth about the truth ?

    Did the JW organization place a wreath of righteousness around her neck that she's not ready to discard just in case Armageddon does come

    or for other personal reasons ?

  • N.drew

    It is a good query from Janet. Unchristain imo delivery of it....

    The difference between being fooled and being misled.

    Being misled by the Organization examples, a person perhaps doesn't go to college, perhaps doesn't make friends with someone because he is not a witness but who together they might be refreshing to each other, doesn't celebrate the children's birthdays (one thing that was very hard for me-I have four children), spend every Sunday at the Kingdom Hall instead of enjoying a family outing, (my husband would plan outings on Sunday morning not Saturday or Sunday afternoon)...there are many more things witnesses practice that reflect a misleading.

    Being fooled is taking to heart that obeying the men of Jehovah's Witnesses is actually what God wants. And being fooled is believing the lies they tell.

    "When in Rome, do as the Roman's do" so when someone practices the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses it does not necessarily mean they are being fooled. But by believing all their doctrine is God sent that is being fooled.

    Do you see the difference?

    I used the example of Jeremiah because he knew he should not go to Egypt, but he went with the crowd that went. Not fooled, misled.

  • N.drew

    Um Janet, I'm probably wrong, it is my MO, but I've been enjoying Terry's post for a while, he is one of my favorite posters, I think he's atheist, or agnostic.... Maybe.

  • bjc2read

    Hi all,

    This is an interesting topic and a lot of emotions may be stirred up especially for those who spent a lot of time in the organization as I did. But as I see it we need to keep in mind one thing. Jehovah doesn't change, Jesus doesn't change, the Bible doesn't change, BUT humans do change!!

    If we look back some years at the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses and compare their teachings today, we can see some very significant changes. These changes may be the reason why many have left the organization. But this does not mean that Jehovah changed or His word changed, but only that leadership changed the way that they understand scriptures and, in this case, not for the better.

    The Bible gives many examples of where God's people Israel left his righteous laws and began following their own ways. They rebelled against Him and led the entire nation away from following God's commands which brought judgment upon them. Is it not possible to believe that this is exactly what is happening to the leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses? They are doing exactly what Israel's leadership did, rebelling against Jehovah's commands and can they not expect the same punishment metted out to ancient Israel?

    But this did not mean that all hope was lost for ancient Israel as God did save a remnant of them. Can we not expect to see a similar saving work to be done by Jehovah today? Remember, He [Jehovah] does not change as the Bible assures us.


  • N.drew

    Good idea bjc2read.

    The mistake the organization teaches and that some believe is that being obedient to the doctrine of JWs will cause a saving of them. They say the group will be saved because the group pictures Noah's Ark.

    But what you said " Can we not expect to see a similar saving work to be done by Jehovah today? " is the correct understanding imo. Inside and outside there are people who fear God for real. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom is for a protection.

    What I hate about what the society publishes is that Jesus will destroy the wicked. The wicked are they who will destroy the wicked. Jesus is he who we can side with away from the wicked.

  • thetrueone

    A short answer but a truthful one to reflect upon .

    The WTS. in its history has deliberately cultivated a following of interested one by constructing false prophetic teachings as a means to attract

    attention to the organization and its published works, in doing so gaining financial support as well personal support from the general public.

    The similarities of a snake oil salesman are subjectively valid in light of the fact in how these disingenuous men presented

    their supposed bible doctrines and their true agenda hidden within their intent.

  • ProdigalSon


    JW's aren't supposed to be snooping around on apostate websites.... so why should a post like Terry's make them suffer? They should never see it in the first place. What they don't know won't hurt em.

    And as far as the Bible being "God's Word", well, everything you say after that is moot. The Bible is Satan's tool to enslave humanity.

  • NewChapter

    I believe, truthfully speaking, many, many of us, thousands of us joined the JW Organization [Religion] because we really thought they [WTBTS] taught genuine truth from God's Word. At least thats what we thought. (I know they taught some truth.) And, I think that is a very, very good thing, a positive thing, a noble gesture on our parts. (The WTBTS will have to answer for their trickery, of course.) One that Jehovah God, would bless. And I still believe Jehovah and Jesus do exist, and are ready and willing to help us, if we earnestly seek their help. I still believe this. And there are probably many (thousands) secret lurkers here, who probably believe this too.

    Janet, I haven't read every post on this thread, but I think I get the gist. Are you familiar with the term: "In twenty years, we are going to laugh at this."

    When we make jokes and laugh, we are laughing at ourselves---we've reached that point. It's part of our healing. You and lurkers do need to see that one day, you will laugh. One day, you will have progressed so far, that you can see beyond the pain and pick at the humor. Laughing is healing, and reaching the point of laughter is a journey. Terry's OP is a masterpiece. And it's hysterical. And one day, you'll be able to appreciate it more fully.


  • thetrueone

    Well said NewChapter

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