but not for what you think. I read the stories of those stuck in, or those who are out but still experience unwelcome, intrusive visits from Dubs and I want to go to your hall. Or be at your house when the jackass elders come over. I could say all the things you want to but can't because you're afraid to out yourself, or because you are just really nice. Many times I read your stories and I get mad and start talking to the computer, saying things like "bitch! STFU! MYOB! You're not the boss of me! You are dumb as hell, so STFU! If you come to my house again uninvited I'll cut you!" Ok. So I've bottled up some stuff in my 30+ years in. There are lots of people I should cussed the hell out. Alas, some of them are dead now, and I never got to rant at them; I'll see them in hell! Don't let your chance to tell your offensive Dubs off pass you by. For the low price of an airline ticket & a decent hotel room, I will follow you around at the hall and just go off on people. lol. I'm feeling extra crazy today!
The more stories I read on JWN make me long to go back to the hall...
by serenitynow! 22 Replies latest jw friends
Maybe some of them should hire you to do just that! Like that insurance commercial. I forgot the company, where it hired an announcer to tell it like is.
wha happened?
wasn't there a skit on Chappelle show like this?
What would be the point? They have a need to be hated by outsiders; if no one hated them, there would be little for them to get excited about. The most frightening thing, I would think, is for them to be proven wrong. That scares the living shell out of 'em. I feel I've done my job if they're having to respond to issues like 607 vs. 587 or the concept of 'organization'.
I do find it odd that they would actually visit me, of all people, to see if I wanted to come back. We had a pretty detailed discussion, and they didn't really want too many details to be said aloud for fear it might upset their faith. It was just easier to go with the emotional abuse/manipulation route, as they probably pegged me as easily manipulated. Perhaps so, but just because I let stuff pass doesn't mean I'm not filing it away for future reference.
On the other hand, would it really be the best thing for me to let loose on these folks, who are just stormtroopers? Nah. I'd end up doing something really, really unspeakable, and that wouldn't help anyone. Better to fight the good fight, in the right way, as the only true liberation for anyone is greater knowledge. What's inside my head is the bane of the Watchtower. That's enough to keep me sane enough to hang in there and not let the rage control me. It's never easy. But I'll be the stronger person for it.
I feel ya Serenity,
all you gota do is show them the discrepancies in their own
literature, they run like roaches from raid
for instance in the reasoning book up under the headng of blood
they say don't take fractions, then later new light, in the AUG 2006
awake page 12 they say fractions is a personal choice cause it was
never in the bible bout fractions
hello!!!!!!! when did they get a clue on that
I hear what ya'll are saying, but sometimes when a person is being ignorant just because they think they can get away w/it because of the "theocratic arrangement" they need to be checked. Hard. I'm not talking about doctrinal crap. I'm talking about the ancient sister I dreaded going in fs with as a kid because she would always ask me when was the last time I had seen my father. Everybody knew he had abandoned his family for some bitch! All that question did was further upset me.
Don't scare me like that Serenity! LOL
Well, then carry a big stick, if that makes you feel safer. I just think going down that road would be too dangerous for me, because I'm usually teetering not too far from the edge of sanity with stuff like this. So I guess I can only speak for myself.
serenitynow everyone is entitled to at least one mad moment a day. You've just had yours. Hope you're now feeling better?
Found Sheep
awww serenity hug to you
and I had no fear that you wanted back in