Christopher Hitchens has died.

by botchtowersociety 32 Replies latest social current

  • Scully

    Dammit, that's the second greatly-admired-by-me person this week to have died.

    $h!t, f*ck and dammit all to hell.

  • Dagney

    (oh gosh, I love it when we are told god's feelings about people...and no two are ever the same. he's angry, he's sad, he's going to punish you forever, he's going to forget you, he loves everybody, he hates the world....sigh)

  • botchtowersociety
  • Sic Semper Tyrannis
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

    It's too bad. And to think he probably had about 20 years of more columns to write. His articles would draw you in by the very subject matter, and entertain you by his wit and incredible knowledge of how the world works. Truly a sad day for commentary journalism. He was one of the best, even writing from his deathbed.

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    I read about his death yesterday morning and then at lunch, I opened my most recent issue of Vanity Fair to find this, maybe his last published words:

    He takes on Nietzche's phrase, "Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger." Brilliant, as always. I recommend reading his other essays on about his fight with cancer.

  • cofty

    I know - I was just making a snide right-wing comment about socialized medicine. - James Woods

    Then don't - it was inappropriate, inaccurate and arrogant.

    If you want to know how fantastic cancer care is in the United Kingdom's National Health Service just ask and I will tell you all about it.

  • Dagney

    I worked really late yesterday which gave me the opportunity to listen to quite a few Hitchens youtubes. So very good. What a voice to be silenced.

  • thetrueone

    A profoundly captivating closing comment recently by C Hitchens at an open public debate.!

  • thetrueone

    Hitchens, as a columnist or essayist, was never predictable, because he approached each question as an independent. He wasn't

    interested in being on the right side; he was interested in being right. That doesn't mean he was capricious or unprincipled, although he

    did seem to delight in being provocative. He simply applied his principles and his brain power to problems, thinking them through from

    start to finish, and had the courage to say what he thought even when he knew his fans would cringe. Especially when he knew his fans

    would cringe.

  • clarity

    Trueone ..........

    thanks for putting that video up ............... I cried listening to him.

    A great thinker, speaker and writer!

    I unknowingly was reading his book for the 2nd time, "God is not Great", the day he died.

    I was shocked that someone so so very full of life ....had died.


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