The first time I heard of Christopher Hitchens was today when his named was mentioned multiple times in the comment section of a YouTube video. After reading a brief summary of his life, it became clear that this guy was a complete douche-bag. A very arrogant sarcastic bigoted f**k who looked down on everyone who didn't share his beliefs. It's always nice to see someone who deserves to die actually die, rather than the usual innocent victim. Hopefully the grim reaper can rid us of two more a**holes by coming for Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins next.
Notorious A**hole Christopher Hitchens Thrown Into The Eternal Flames Of Gehenna
by Philadelphia Ponos 76 Replies latest jw friends
He'll be waiting for you.
Gloating over the death of a perceived enemy?
How Christ-like!
The fatal conceit is PP thinking he can judge someone himself and determine what his final state will or should be.
Everyone dies PeePee, even you.
Is this an eyewitness account?
Philadelphia Ponos
Unlike the dead monkey Christopher Hitches, I actually have the oppurtunity of being resurrected.
Wait - if he's not resurrected, how is he suffering in the "eternal flames"?
Keep it up PP - posts like this are far more effective at turning people away from Christ than anything Hitchens ever wrote or said.
Did you miss taking your Meds on schedule...