Expose a few of these incidents on video--while you still can, since the United Tyranny of Stupidity has a bill floating around that will make it a lot easier for the Washtowel Slaveholdery to censor them in the name of "copyright infringement". Obviously, the more they are exposed, the better--and they should be posted on servers in countries where such "copyright infringement" doesn't include being able to call "infringement" on flimsy and unfounded grounds. Shame and guilt on any Congress and Osama Obama for making it easier for cults like this to function in secrecy.
Hopefully, those of you in Canada and other countries where the Internet is still open can still expose the rubbish from the Washtowel even after the United Tyranny's SOPA bill passes and takes full effect. And that goes for this forum--which, fortunately, is hosted in Canada. Also, the more they keep doing major things, the more likely they are to embarrass themselves on NBC News or get into the local newspaper which will still be allowed, regardless. If they keep putting out hate speech in their rags, pretty soon they are going to end up getting them reprinted in Time magazine and USA Today, and then it won't do them any good if they can call "copyright infringement" on the Internet and put a stop to online searches. Because people actually believe what is in those journals.