Dearest TTO... good morning and peace to you!
Of course, to say that any other war would never break out around the world, would be intellectually dishonest.
Yes, it would...
You quoted a verse out of the bible, that the light continuously gets brighter.
Your reading skills are beginning to concern me, dear one (LOLOL!). I never made such a quote. I would never make such a quote... because that is NOT what the verse says. Which was my point. Which is my point, now. You keep referring to things I "said"/did... that I did not. Since you are apparently unable to get that small thing straight, I don't wonder that you don't fully comprehend what it is I AM saying.
I'd to use that same verse as well as a model in how the world has improved upon its international
relationships with one another in comparison from the past.
For now, yes. But there's always calm before the next storm. Has occurred all throughout history. Indeed, some entire empires have fallen because they THOUGHT "relations" were better. That's what their opponents WANTED them to think, so...
The UN and its many connecting NGOs should be noted in taking some responsibility
for that and rightly so.
Perhaps. Apparently, some thought that about the League of Nations at one time, too. I'm not so sure that the UN has as tight a grip on what they "know" as they (and apparently you) THINK they do, though. Even so, again, things can change. Sometimes... in an instant.
Opposing this observation are apocalyptic fear mongering religious cults like the JWs, who put forth the suggestion that the world and its political leaders are about to attack one another with devastating results such as the world has never seen before.
I'm not sure that that's exactly what they teach (haven't checked into it for awhile), but you certainly heard nothing of the sort from me. I only related ONE country possibly "going through" some others to realize a long-held goal. Also said nothing of devastating results from various nations attacking one another. Did mention the ushering of the next phase, perhaps. Clarified that it had nothing to do with "apocalyspe" from me.
This is false and misleading information from reality, to be sure.
Unfortunately, the one who may be false and misleading is you, dear one. I mean, I have conceded that we will have to wait and see; you, though, are pretty adamant that, uh-uh, nope, can't/won't happen. I think that's misleading... and possibly false.
The story in the latest middle East war is about to be closed for good. The obvious proponents of the war such Dick Cheney are now saying we did the right thing and that the US removal of their military forces, will destabilized the middle east and war once again make an appearance. Dick and George were no doubt the biggest instigaters to going to Iraq and invading the country.
That's a pretty final statement, given the instability of that region, even now. Sure, the U.S. occupation of and war in Iraq may be over (although, I remember hearing THAT statement made once before, and yet...), but to assume that, for example, the war between other factions is over... is, IMHO, misleading. Heck, the U.S. might be in a war with Pakistan in the near future, given what's just recently occurred there...
Now the tallying up of what this specific war cost America in lives lost lives, ones permanently handicapped and the actual cost which is said to be a Trillion dollars US is really now being recognized by the greater public.
Which tells ME folks might think twice (and perhaps too long) before agreeing to the next one. That could be that hesitation thing I mentioned... you know, where I mentioned that, sure, the U.S. would react... but after the fact? You are paying attention to what I'm sharing with you, here, right?
Thats alot of weight on the shoulders for the ones who pretty much started the war, wouldn't you say ?
Indeed. And could prove detrimental later down the line...
Some people have the notion that if Iran gets nuclear capabilities that it will spur
them on to be more aggressive in the middle east.
Sometimes "some people" are right. Sometimes, they're not.
I don't think so for they're also aware of the US presence close by that probably have more
nuclear weaponry than Iran could ever dream of having.
Again, you miss the point; they have to CARE. And sometimes, caring isn't considered an option.
This is where the age of information and technology has helped, countries know who has
what and where they are in relation to themselves.
Oh, please... so that they can, what, like, stop planes from flying into tall buildings... as well as into their military headquarters buildings? Ummmm... how'd that work for one of those countries, the so-called "superpower" among them? You know, the country that didn't even know where its most technologically advanced super-drone was... until it was revealed to them that it had been shot down by another country?
Iran also knows how important that part of the world is to other modern industrialized
nations like Briton, Canada.... the list is long.
Iran today, perhaps. Even such a country has its breaking point, though...
There might be some internal instability in Iraq coming in the future,
Might be. Was before this particular regime, so... and certainly some between the government and some of its citizens...
that remains to be seen.
Well, that's what I've been saying all along. All of it remains to be seen. Let's talk again, then, shall we?
Peace to you!
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,