I was at the meeting today, and 2 sisters answered up basicaly saying that the elders did nothing whilst these people were being persecuted within the congregation.. I knew of the one sister years ago that was there- she stopped going for a while because of this... My eyes are slowly being opened esp now with this paedophile/s in Australia..
today's watchtower
by mariemcg 12 Replies latest jw friends
Wait a minute, I'm missin' somethin' here
congregations usually stick to script, how did
this come about ???? when are they free to
talk about the dirty dealin's openly durin' the sunday meetin' ????
Need more info
Thanks wasblind. I too want more info. My subscription to the Kool-aid edition expired. Thanks Marie. This sounds like it's going to be very interesting.
double post
I couldn't belive it myself- The watchtower was about needing comfort and Jah providing comfort also the reasons for needing comfort.
This one paragraph was saying to speak to the elders if one needs to confide- this sister piped up and said that she had done this whist being persecuted by another sister and the elders did nothing about it , this is the reason that non of her children are coming to the meetings anymore.
The other sister said earlier that since before the merge of the 2 congs that no one made any effort to ask where she was whilst she was not attending for a while- not even the elders..
I could not believe ny ears when she spoke out defiantly- i quickly said hello took her no but failed to save it in my phone..
The other strange thing is i prayed to Jehovah asking to give me a sign weather or not i was entertaining Babylon the Great by going into the kingdom Hall... I'm so confused..
The other strange thing is i prayed to Jehovah asking to give me a sign weather or not i was entertaining Babylon the Great by going into the kingdom Hall... I'm so confused. .
What's to be confused about, it's a cult and cult thinking trumps love everytime. It's all talk, the elders have no time to devote to the people in the congregations they're too busy trying to put on a show of going out in field service, taking care of paper work for the cult leaders and meeting to either indoctrinate eachother or be indoctrinated by the society leutenents IE CO's and DO's.
They are also supposed to be taking care of their families and actual shepherding the flock falls down to the bottom of the list.
All religion is a snare and a racquet and the Jehovah's Witnesses are no different so, it is Babylon the Great.
Wow !!!!!
If only I could have been a fly on the wall
after all there is a lot of manure in the hall
for a fly to lyte on :))
The Elder chairing the watch tower was speachless.. and there was an unerving silence for about 1 mins..
mariemcg, that unnerving silence should speak volumes to you...and LOUDLY. Why do you think it happened? Because someone (TWO someones...two FEMALE someones) decided to actually speak up and divert away from the line-by-line repetition that is USUALLY the accepted answer when the question is asked for the paragraph. Have you ever noticed that at other times? When someone dares to use the Bible itself to answer the question instead of reading the answer from the paragraph? There's a hush over the congregation...a nervousness...they don't know where this person is going with their comment and it scares them. It changes the status quo. It shakes things up a little.
That is the earmark of a cult. When you can't speak up about how you feel. When a "testimony" is looked at askance. We've all heard that new "bible study" that comes to the hall and is so moved they need to speak up and their comment includes some mention about Jesus dying on the cross, etc. Everyone looks at them like they've just dropped in to pay a visit from Mars. Everyone has that nervous lump in their stomach. That person "doesn't belong"...and hearing a comment from fellow JW's that calls into account the actions (or lack thereof) from the elders shocks their dull brains and tells them "This person doesn't belong". They don't know what to do at that point. It's unnerving and scary.
That...is a cult.