This detailed article presents a large number of give and take propositions, suppositions and conjectures.
It challenges Ray Franz chapter in Crises of Conscience on JW policy for Mexico/Malawi, et al.
The important fact missing from the consideration and analysis is that the Watchtower Society PRIVATELY advised draft age brothers who were facing Draft problems.
I was personally taken aside, for example, by the Congregation overseer and his assistant to the Kingdom Hall library.
The imprisonment of Watchtower officials at the end of WWI led to a necessary policy of private counsel so that nothing in writing would lead to another
confrontation with the Federal Government. Back then, letters to and from brothers serving in the armed forces became material evidence leading to the prosecution of Rutherford and the others.
The boiler plate "reason" given for military refusal is one of NEUTRALITY. Neutrality is a fabricated issue for christians. The bible does not discuss, counsel or exemplify such neutrality.
The Early Church between the death of Jesus and the rise of Constantine viewed Roman military conscription as a moral iniquity. Their's was a stand on the principle of "love" and non-violence. What was there to be NEUTRAL about?
If christians are NEUTRAL about warfare it would indicate they DO NOT TAKE A STAND either pro or con.
Be that as it may, when I was about to appear before the Draft Board the congregation leaders made clear to me what the "approved" course of action required.
I was to go AS FAR AS POSSIBLE in complying (which would include going for my Armed Forces medical exam) but I was NOT to report for duty.
Failure to report for duty would violate Federal Law!
At that point I would be arrested and charged with failure to comply; a serious crime punishable by 5 years in prison.
The in's and out's of MANEUVERING were also explained to me by the congregation's leaders.
I COULD NOT accept "Alternate Service" which was the normal provision of Federal law for Conscientious Objectors!
The U.S. law does not require people with religious OR conscientious problems with serving in the military. Did you know that?
Watchtower policy went beyond any neutral position in regard to NON-military participation in civilian hospital duty.
ILLOGICALLY civilian community service was deliberately set up as a NO NO so that the brother JW would be forced to make a public stand.
The crazy logic behind the Society's own "exemption" is mind-boggling.
If the judge SENTENCED a JW to community service they COULD accept!
But, if the Selective Service made the legal provision of directing you to the hospital work YOU REFUSED!
Do you see any difference?
Clearly, "Caesar's things to Caesar" exemplifies the fact the Superior Authorities have the god-granted right to exercise control over christians up to a point. JW's were denied the possibility of rendering community service to Caesar at all!
My copy of Make Sure of All Things at the time still had the WRONG view previously held by the Society, by the way: Jehovah and Jesus as the Superior Authorities instead of what all of Christendom had said all along: Governments, Kings, Secular rulers.
MAKING A PUBLIC SPECTACLE of the "righteous" religious views of the Jw was good propaganda or "window-dressing".
The brothers in Mexico, the brothers in the U.S. and the brothers in Malawi were all Jehovah's Witnesses, but, under different regimes, customs and laws.
NEUTRALITY had nothing whatever to do with their problems versus the local government service. It was OBSTINANCE directed from Watchtower headquarters.
Jesus demonstrated the correct principle to observe when there is a conflict between strict observance of religious code and the practical consideration for life.
Matthew 12:11-21
New International Version (NIV)
11 He said to them, “If any of you has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and lift it out? 12 How much more valuable is a person than a sheep! Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.”
DOING GOOD was more important than a strict observance of the Law of Moses on the Sabbath!!
A Pharisee would likely want to stone such a man to death for the infraction with no exceptions or exemptions being considered!
So too, the Watchtower leaders clearly were NOT of the same mind as Jesus.
Jesus never counseled NEUTRALITY. Morality is making definite choices. Choices that involve DOING GOOD are principled choices.
Had I accepted the Selective Service requirement of community service and worked in Terrell state hospital instead of idling away my time in Prison I'd have been DOING GOOD.
Neutrality is no excuse for a failure to DO GOOD.