Disgusting talk about disfellowshipped children...

by Morbidzbaby 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Morbidzbaby

    Black Sheep, I haven't even decided if it's worth pursuing... I love my dad. I miss him. But I know that if he were to "wake up", it would cause a rift between him and my mother. I have a feeling that even if god himself (were he real) came down and told my mother that the Watchtower was a false prophet, she wouldn't believe it. She's THAT washed in the brain.

  • Snoozy

    I will see this in my sleep...


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    I haven't even decided if it's worth pursuing... I love my dad. I miss him.

    What it has done for us is give us an uneasy truce.

    He says the WT has all the answers. I have a question. He doesn't have an answer. If he tries to talk about another subject, he knows I can just ask for my answer & ask why he has taken so long etc.. I already got him to go around the arena and shut all the gates for me, so he knows there is no way out.

  • Black Sheep
  • ziddina

    Oh my god - that's a real movie, Black Sheep!!

    It's available right now on my cable system - the review says something to the effect that it's so bad that it's pure genius....

    I'll have to watch that, now....

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    Verging on the macabre in this 21st Century, the Jehovah's Witnesses draconian practice of disfellowshipping and shunning current and former members is one of the most controversial aspects of this religion and has caused untold psychological and physical harm to thousands. The Watchtower Society mislabels the practice of shunning and disfellowshipping, as an act of love and a means of enforcing conformity.

    Scriptural justification for shunning is weak, at best. It is considered by many on the outside as one of the most offensive and unbiblical tools in the Watchtower Society's arsenal of weapons used to enforce rigid conformity to their multitude of rules and regulations. Grounds for disfellowshipping, a radical form of excommunication, are legion. The list includes adultery, fornication, greed, accepting blood transfusions (with modifications), drunkenness, associating with the disfellowshipped ... the list is very extensive and subject to wide interpretation. Many of those shunned or disfellowshipped are guilty of apostasy - abandoning the religion and turning away from the teachings of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Similar to the Mob, once you're in there's no easy way out without suffering severe consequences.

    A significant amount of judging and attendance at judicial committees is involved. The act of shunning and disfellowshipping as implemented by the Jehovah's Witnesses has caused untold pain and suffering among friends and family members. Families are routinely destroyed and broken up, forever; siblings are separated, often for life, parents lose their children, children lose their parents. Grandparents are ostracized and cut off from their grandchildren for the sake of keeping members 'in.'

    Most often the simple act of saying hello to a disfellowshipped person, or one who has disassociated him or herself from the organization, is forbidden. The horror stories told by the disfellowshipped, thousands of them, are ghastly and heartrending. The ancient practice of disfellowshipping and shunning causes profound psychological damage, and has led to suicide. As practiced by the Jehovah's Witnesses, their extreme form of shunning in most cases is simply cruel, nothing more.

    Anyone considering joining the Jehovah's Witnesses is advised to pay close attention to the consequences and repercussions for not living up to the Watchtower Society's standards, or questioning their doctrine. The ultimate price might be unbearable and irreversible. To assist you in making the right decision and help you learn more about this practice, visit the websites listed below for additional information.


  • JeffT

    I couldn't listen to it. The information was horrible and his presentation sounds like he overdosed on prozac before the talk.

  • no_h8_in_my_heart

    Holy crap I think Sinutko was a D/O when I was a kid here in Denver!

    This is my first post to the site, BTW. I found the link a couple of weeks ago and just got approved for posting. I'm so happy I found this site!

    Aren in Denver

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Welcome to the forum Aren. I hope you enjoy your stay.



    You weren't supposed to watch it Zid LOL

  • ziddina

    Welcome, Aren!!

    I'm in Denver, too!!!

    Oh, and I'm....

    The board's She-Devil....

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