Hello everyone

by peridotgreen 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Peridot is my brith stone. When I was young, it was a washed out pea green. Now, with the addition of heat, it is vibrant green and beautiful. It must be nice to start afresh.

  • 00DAD

    Wecome back! What was your old username?

  • cedars

    peridotgreen - a very warm welcome back! Also, bravo for your stated aim being to help others. This forum always needs people with that kind of attitude. There are many people on here who need help of one kind or other.


  • Yan Bibiyan
  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I could use some help

    welcome back mystery avitar

    I was a lost sheep now I'm found

  • peridotgreen

    Thanks so much for the warm welcome. If I tell you my former name, you'd all know how f-ed up I was back then!!!

    I've calmed down a LOT since then. Well, maybe not calm because I'm extremely anxious by nature, but I've learned a lot. I'm not as needy.

    I really am glad to be back and I look forward to getting to know the new members. I remember Mouthy, of course, a beautiful lady.

  • peridotgreen

    I'm having a hard time figuring out this new board, sorry. Clarity - I love Christmas. I'm trying to lose weight but that turkey sounds wonderful!

    When I last posted, I was skinny. Now I could lose 10 pounds. Sad what age does to us.

  • Bangalore



  • sizemik

    Welcome to the new version . . .


  • Phizzy

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