hello everyone. this is my first post here, and I don't know if this has been talked about yet. But today I was on the jw-media site to see what it was about. I was curious how they handled their stance on blood and it was a bit of an annoying read.
from the site (http://www.jw-media.org/aboutjw/article01.htm#accept):
"Jehovah’s Witnesses request nonblood alternatives, which are widely used and accepted by the medical community. We do this because of the Bible’s command to “keep abstaining from . . . blood.” ( Acts 15:29 ; see also Genesis 9:3, 4 ; Leviticus 7:26, 27 ; 17:1, 2 , 10-12 ; Deuteronomy 12:23-25 .) While we refuse blood for religious rather than medical reasons, many have acknowledged that this refusal has helped the Witnesses to avoid contracting many costly and fatal diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis."
They also cite Acts 15:20, 21:25
My issues are threefold. First, none of their citations talk about blood transfusions. Mainly because the bible didn't talk about this modern concept. You would think that to be enough since this same article says they can use "blood fractions" because the bible has no stance on it. So if I understand correctly, the use numerous citations (all about eating or drinking blood) to defend their stance on not accepting transfusions.
My fiance's brother, who is a 20+ year Witness explained that when you are given a glucose IV, your body eats the fluid to keep you alive. So blood in an IV is the same.
I explained to him that the body cannot eat blood intravenously. The blood cells, red or white, cannot be broken down and used in the blood like glucose and vitamins. Even when you drink blood, it can make you sick because the body cannot use the blood as food. So an intravenous blood transfusion is in no way "eating" in the highly proven, Jehovah created world of science.
He replied, and I'm not making this up: "Yes, it is." He then went on to use as an excuse, point number two of my issues.
Blood transfusions WILL give you a disease. I've read all the literature the Watchtower offers on blood disease through transfusions. They offer statistics and the likelihood of getting them but fail to ever off a ratio or odds at comparison with never getting sick. I guess it's how it works with them. Make up an excuse that God said no, and when you prove He said no such things, you fear-bomb everyone you talk to.
Point three, and I'll wrap this up:
"keep abstaining from...blood" when you look at the actual scripture, doesn't this Watchtower paraphrase seem misleading?
Acts 15:20 Instead, we should write and tell them to abstain from eating food offered to idols, from sexual immorality, from eating the meat of strangled animals, and from consuming blood.
Look at how much of Jehovah's Word was ignored in the attempt to garner an idea that blood should be avoided at all costs. It was Jewish law to refrain from eating blood because blood was the life source to them. The bible could in no way speak of a procedure that didnt exist until 1600 years after the death of Christ.
Thank you for reading. I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this issue.