now theres, sound of music, its a wonderful life, philadelphia story, the great esacape... what else though?
please suggest classic xmas movies...
by highdose 41 Replies latest jw friends
A Christmas Carol.
How is The Great Escape a Christmas movie?
A Christmas Story
No Room For George
Jack Frost was a good film too.
Miracle on 34th Street
As a youngster, this was one that I looked forward to each year.
Christmas Carol
It's a wonderful life
National Lampoons Christmas vacation
wha happened?
The 3 Amigos.
It's not a Christmas movie. But it was a moment, a rare moment when my family was together for Christmas and everyone got along and enjoyed themselves for a few hours at my parent place in Big Bear, CA. It was my parents vacation home and the family would often go there to not get along for my parents every year. Joy
WH: Ah yes, El Guapo and his plethora!
When I was a child you always had wizard of oz or chitty chitty bang bang on over Christmas. There was also the sound of music which did the rounds. Old Sherlock Holmes movies also remind me of Christmas holidays. Ah good times.
Miracle on 34th Street
It's a Wonderful Life
A Christmas Story
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas (cute Jim Henson production from 1977)
Home Alone & Home Alone 2
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
The Santa Clause (not really "classic", but a cute one nonetheless)