Huffington Post Article: A Reason (and Season) to Stop Shunning

by AndersonsInfo 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AndersonsInfo
    AndersonsInfo Janice Harper

    Janice Harper


    A Reason (and Season) to Stop Shunning Posted: 12/20/11 02:30 PM ET

    One of the least discussed aspects of bullying and mobbing, and perhaps the most powerful and damaging, is the practice of shunning. Shunning is widely practiced among certain religions; the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Church of Scientology, even the otherwise forgiving Amish have made shunning a religious tenet to control the conduct of its members. Families routinely shun other family members, whether through disinheritance and outright withdrawal of any contact or support, or the deafening "silent treatment" that some spouses and parents engage in as a form of punishment for real or perceived offenses. People are shunned in their communities, their clubs and their schools. But perhaps shunning is most common in the workplace, when a worker is targeted for collective aggression and elimination, or "workplace mobbing."

    When a person is marked for punishment or elimination by management, workers instinctively avoid being seen with that person for fear of their own status being tarnished in the workplace. But to targets of shunning, the near instantaneous isolation almost always comes as a shock, and the intensifying silence that encircles them is indeed deadly. The impact of shunning is so severe that those religions, organizations and families which routinely employ it do so because they know just how effective a form of social control the practice can be, debilitating even the strongest people once it commences.

    When a person is shunned, it is because they have done something to displease someone, or are perceived as distinctly "different" from the group and are therefore an "unknown" force. Shunning is thus a feature of a broader spectrum of aggressive behaviors, including accusation, sabotage, investigation and other efforts to control or remove the person from the group. To shun a person consequently isolates them at the very point when they most need support. It further erodes their self-esteem and their ability to withstand attack. Moreover, when a worker is targeted for elimination, once they are shunned it becomes very difficult to defend their position as former supporters disappear, and even more difficult for them to find new work. And shunning is a particularly effective tactic to undermine a worker's legal claims, however legitimate, because it is very difficult to prove a negative. Shunning is a non-action -- to shun is to avoid, not to interact.

    Yet for all its destructiveness, our society treats shunning as a virtue. In virtually all professional self-help books on how to succeed at work, a person is advised to avoid unpopular people, "trouble makers" or anyone else who is under attack at work. A good deal of the current anti-bullying rhetoric makes it a strategic and moral imperative to collectively shun anyone accused of bullying, a rather ironic tactic of workplace aggression. And self-help books promoting optimistic thinking commonly advise their readers to avoid "negative" or unpopular people. Indeed, human instinct itself suggests that stigma is contagious and it is better to be seen with those who are successful than those who are crashing from once revered heights of their profession or station, in many cases unjustifiably or unfairly.

    I understand the motivation to avoid those whose own dilemma may prove stigmatizing or discomforting. YetI remain troubled by the failure of our species to extend compassion to those who need it the most. The instinct to avoid those who are unpopular with leaders is well recognized in the animal kingdom -- chimps and wolves being among the most notable in tormenting their unpopular brethren when the alphas do so -- and humans share such survival instincts. But we differ from these animals by being blessed with the ability to give meaning to the events in our lives, and to intellectually discern complexity and nuance -- the very features of social aggression that lead to shunning. Our capacity to understand the complexity of social conflicts ought to suggest that whatever our human counterparts are suffering, chances are there is plenty of room for compassion -- and patience -- in how we approach them in their troubling times.

    To survive as humans, we must rely on social support, and when we withdraw that support on the basis of unpopularity we might advance our own social survival, but we erode our own capacity for compassion and our own potential to be fully human and humane. Whether we shun someone professionally in the name of professionalism, in our religious institutions in the name of God, or in our own families in the name of pride, we lessen ourselves, our spirits and our humanity. Silence is not always golden, it is deadly when it extends to shunning, and once commenced, it is difficult to stop. But on individual levels it can stop, if each of us considers how and whom we shun. We rarely shun the most nefarious of leaders in our groups and organizations, but we routinely shun those who are powerless or losing power, however good-hearted but imperfect they may be. And when we do shun, we rarely call it by name, and virtually always shift the blame to the target as having brought it on themselves, regardless of their suffering. We justify shunning through gossip, revising our opinions of those we once respected and in many cases loved, and by diffusing our responsibility as we note others are doing the same.

    The longer we shun a person, the harder it is to break the silence and make peace. But there is no better season by which we might do so than the holiday season. Should old acquaintances be forgotten, or might each of us consider those we have forgotten because, for whatever reason, we joined with others to avoid another person's pain? You may give no greater gift this season than to reach out and un-shun someone whose social isolation you have helped create, however unintentionally. At most, you risk rejection. At best, you help to heal a heart, at the very least, your own.

  • sizemik

    I found that a very well written and balanced article . . .

    And when we do shun, we rarely call it by name, and virtually always shift the blame to the target as having brought it on themselves, regardless of their suffering. We justify shunning through gossip, revising our opinions of those we once respected and in many cases loved, and by diffusing our responsibility as we note others are doing the same.

    Some even call it "love" I believe. The observation that shunning erodes the humanity of the one doing the shunning, will strike a chord with most here.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • Azazel

    Thanks Barbara for posting this article.

    Im living the dream so to speak , it doesnt make it easier to cope being shunned but helps to understand its not only unchristian but wrong!



  • Refriedtruth

    This is a high web/news rank article that already has Scientology shills commenting it will be ditto for Jehovah's Witnesses shills sign up and post/ fan/ vote

    This will be exciting and just time for the holidays...

  • flipper

    BARBARA- Excellent article ! Thanks for posting it. The statements in it, " To shun a person consequently isolates them at the very point when they most need support. It further erodes their self esteem....... " . I'm experiencing this in my JW family with my older JW parents and self righteous ex-Bethel brother shunning my inactive niece . She just got out of a difficult relationship and moved over to live in our area and we enjoy her company very much and have supported her. My JW parents were going to come visit us at our house for the first time since my wife and I have been together - yet when they heard my niece would be here my dad said they would not come. Extremely hateful and demeaning behavior on their part towards my niece. I was so angry at them, I still am. Yet they justify associating with OTHER inactive grandchildren of theirs who still do things against the Witness beliefs. Incredibly hypocritical.

    I liked this quote, " To survive as humans, we must rely on social support, and when we withdraw that support on the basis of unpopularity we might advance our own social survival , but we erode our own capacity for compassion and our own potential to be fully humam and humane. " Amen to that. I may indeed send this Huffington Post article link to my brother or my parents this Christmas season. I'm tired of pussyfooting around with these JW a$$holes. Thanks again for this article

  • cedars

    Thanks Barbara, it's refreshing to see enlightened and alert professionals in the outside world showing sensitivity to the highly damaging practice of shunning. It's also nice to see Jehovah's Witnesses specifically 'named and shamed' in the article. Few of those outside the JW faith have the guts to point the finger in that manner. I take my hat off to Janice Harper for her diligent and conscientious work in highlighting this issue.


  • cantleave

    The longer we shun a person, the harder it is to break the silence and make peace.

    So very true and often the relationship that existed before the shunning is never as strong.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Thanks for that article...struck a cord with me. Not because I was shunned myself and not because of religion. But because of bullying in schools.

    My daughter and 6 years old was effectively shunned by other girls in her was devistating for her. I don't know what started it, and the first I knew of it was behavioural changes in my daughter. She was acting out, attention seeking and basically getting into trouble. When I finally realised it was something happening at school with the most popular girl in the class I took this to the teacher (who did nothing), then the principal. She brought in an outside professional who came into the class room environment to watch the interactions of the girls. At this stage I didn't realize she was being shunned. I called it bullied...that was the wrong 'name' for it.

    Of course, shunning has no interaction. She wasn't horrible, she, the perpetrator was charming, friendly and everyone except my daughter. The professional concluded that this girl was not the problem. She was a healthy friendly young girl that all the girls liked. My daughter was the problem.

    Eventually what I realized was that none of my daughters other friends would have anything to do with her, because, if they did they were also ostrasized. The control this young girl had was incredible. She was on a power trip.

    In the end I removed my daughter from the school and away from this little darling.

    Thought I would share this story in case anyone else is having problems like this with their children and not understanding what is going on. It is hard to pick up, and impossible to prove. When you say they don't get on, the advice is stay away from each other. The perpertrators mother even told me this is what she told her daughter to do when this came out....ironic...since that was what she was already doing.

  • WTWizard

    Too bad the witlesses don't understand the meaning of Christmas. They see something like this, and they lump it in with everything else they know about Christmas. And to them, Christmas means worshiping the Devil, which means getting destroyed soon. Thus, when they see something condemning their practices, and hinting that Christmas is a good season to discontinue the practice, they might just become even more entrenched because to discontinue or soften the practice now "celebrates Christmas".

  • Cagefighter

    Equating Shunning with Bullying is ridiculous. Bullying is an active and overt act like assault, murder, robbery. Shunning is just choosing to not do something. Shunning is a passive act, it is not bullying. I do not get it, we can't make everyone like us.

    I do think the JW's views on shunning is ridiculous, but that is a matter of values. Yes, it is hurtful but only because at somepoint we gave a rat's ass what they thought about us. Sometimes, I do not understand this forum to save my life.

    Do yall think you can force someone much less a group of eff'd up people to like you? Is calling it "bullying" going to change any minds?

    I think the more important discussion is the co-dependentcy issues that are created/aggrivated in some of these groups. Obviously just leaving the group does no resolve those issues. I include myself in that group.

    Life is two short to worry about who is choosing to not like me. I have my hands full dealing with those that do want to be in my life.


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