This question occurred to me the other day. The classic JW presentation is all about how religon starts wars in gods name, how awful they are blablabla, and how soon god will end all these wars.... with a war! wtf?
I thought the whole point of this was that god was supposed to hate wars, why would he use somthing he hates?
We are talking about a almighty all knowing god here who supposedly would have all manner of options at his fingertips. Options that we lowly humans could barely guess at. so ............. in that case........... why use somthing he hates- a war, which lets face it would be the mother of all wars, featuring violence, carage and deverstation on a scale never guessed at by planet earth before ... to end wars which he hates???
This is like saying to a heroin addict that you hate them being addicted so to "cure" them your going to give them a huge overdose that will kill them! and then that will certainly put pay to their addiction(!)
Has anyone else thought about this?