It's your watchtower training Scully...Illustrations are very important...they hold secret messages...LOL
A BIG change the Watchtower will have to face up to . . .
by nicolaou 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There will be so much hype about December 21, 2012 in the next year that JW's (and people in general) might actually learn some accurate information about it. The "end of the world" bullshit has already been thoroughly debunked and there are a multitude of recent books, Internet websites and articles out there that clear up a lot of the fear-mongering disinfo about the date.
Personally, I think that by the time we get to 2014, 1914 will be a non-issue. The WT will have already collapsed, along with many of the entrenched insitutions of this Old World Order.
Funny how the False Prophet will go down in history for NOT sounding any alarms about the date with REAL meaning. Funny how they don't talk about it much at all, as if they don't want people to look into it. They can't possibly demonize it in the information age without being so exposed as charlatans and frauds that even a brainwashed dub might not be able to ignore it.
Prodigal- how are you investing considering the changes you see coming.
Prodigal- how are you investing considering the changes you see coming.
Precious metals and a couple of paid-off houses.
Owning the houses is nice, how about the precious metals are you trying to own the physical metals or buying funds and ETFs.
I have the physical metals, mostly Chinese Pandas....safely tucked away but they are NOT in a safe-deposit box. The American shit is probably fake.
Oh, and I forgot about the Mossberg 590A1, the most important investment of all....
Well I hope you never use the Mossberg on another human. So where do you plan of shopping that accepts the gold coins.
So where do you plan of shopping that accepts the gold coins.
Dunno yet, we'll have to see.... but dollars won't be good for anything except kindling fireplaces.
Well Britian air dropped gold coins to the Greek resistance during WWII to keep them going, maybe yours will be accepted in a pawn shop for currency.
I think the biggest effect will be to keep people from joining the cancer in the first place. However, if SOPA passes and the United Tyranny of Stupidity bans all sites with user uploaded content, the witlesses are once again going to have a field day in the United Tyranny of Stupidity. If people can't research the religion with independent sources, they are more likely to find themselves becoming Jehovah's Witlesses--I only wish I had the resources to research it before I joined. Also, I ruined one study with a suggestion to do independent research.