Communist sta art & WTS publication art

by Gorbatchov 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Gorbatchov

    Today I read in a newspaper an article about North Korean and Chinese state art. The style of painting is "extreme naive".

    These paintings remembers me of the WTS paintings in their publications. With a smile, and also with pain in my heart i'm watching the similarities.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Does anyone know Chinese? It'd be interesting to know what slogans the posters are saying.

    Interesting comparision, thanks for this thread.

  • Azazel

    Yes BP they say to read the Watchtower and be good JW for the paradise to come. All so interigent like WTS

  • perfect1



    creepy... BUMP!!!!

  • Londo111

    When art meets mind control… Gorbatchov--is there a link to the news article?

    This reminds me of when I was trying to study with my schoolfriend over the phone in the 8 th or 9 th grade. I gave him one of the publications, I forgot which one, but it had a grey cover. After one of two studies, he quit. He told me the people in the pictures, especially those that portrayed people in paradise, looked weird, even brainwashed. He then told me he was throwing darts and threw a dart through the cover of the book.

    At the time, I was very offending. But in retrospect, he was right! The good news is he looked my up on Facebook a few years ago and when resumed our friendship. He’s one of the few friends I have now that all my JW friend abandoned me.

  • perfect1

    Londo that is a cool story.

    Like many people here I grew up with these images and initially accepted them to be true. Even now when I see them its not like looking at an ordinary picture.

    They are disturbing.

    Here a few WT paradise illustrations for comparison.

  • perfect1
  • perfect1
  • perfect1

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