Well, that is what the title should say. It actually says, "Why are people so angry?" I think it's funny because anytime I try to say anything to a JW that is not praising the F&DS and the org, I get nothing but anger from them. There's also an article about anxiety. I look forward to reading these pearls of wisdom later.
March 2012 Awake- Why are JWs so angry?
by serenitynow! 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
No Room For George
I just downloaded it on the strength of your thread. Classic case the pot calling the kettle black.
There's an outline that was generated from the branch for CO's to go over in their meeting with the elders during the CO visit. Part of the outline addresses specifically the need for those part of the elder body to get along with one another. Anyone that's ever been an elder, or privy to what goes on in those meetings, will tell you that there's often animosity, jealousy, and even outright hatred in some cases. There's alliances, cliques, nepotism, lone wolfs, liberals, hard liners, you name it and it's there on the elder body. It's almost like a game of Survivor. I can't tell you how many times as a kid that I and my siblings stayed out of my father's way when he came home from an elder meeting. He was full of of angst and vitriol.
They've got a lot of nerve to talk about the anxiety in the world. The Kingdom Hall at times can remind one of a hybrid made up of equal parts Psych ward and a juvenile detention center. It's full of people on antidepressants, antianxiolytics, and antipsychotics. Compound that with the hamster wheel likestyle and the constant admonition that one can never do enough for Jehovah, mixed with logic and reasoning being trounced in the name of uniformity and loyalty to organization based off of a perveted interpretation of a parable, it's no wonder the congregation is full stressed out heart attack victims waiting to happen. '
By the way, page 27 of that magazine, particulary the asterisk that's listed after it mentions the individual who's OCD is treated successfuly with medication. It states, "The Awake does not endorse any specific medical treatment." Ironic for them to state that considering the purpose of Hospital Liason Committees, and enforced shunning as a result of an erroneous interpretation on blood related to dietary measures written over 2000 years ago. Not to mention their history on vaccinations, aluminum, and organ transplants being compared to cannibalism. So why now all of a sudden don't they want to get dogmatic and offer their doctine opinion?
Freud coined a term called 'projection' which refers to the very human tendency to detect in others that which one is prone to him or herself.
Envious people see envy in others whilst denying it in themselves, dishonest people find it hard to trust others, deceitful people are paranoid about other people'motives, and angry people....get the picture?
I agree with your impressions about JWs being very angry people: Among the rank and file JWs are a good number of extremely angry people - especially when they reflect upon how they have put their productive lives on hold in the service of following orders ro their very controlling organization. I'd be angry too - in fac, looking back, I was. Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone that's ever been an elder, or privy to what goes on in those meetings, will tell you that there's often animosity, jealousy, and even outright hatred in some cases.
Sometimes, I could swear you are on our BOE.
There's a young elder in my congregation who seems to fit your general description, based on your posts, but he's 100% gung-ho - works full time, AND pioneers, AND is an elder.
Anyways, yeah, some of the angriest people I've run across are elders.
Love that cover - they even broke out some face paint.
So funny when they have a bunch of JWs try to pose as "worldlies"
When I was at the hall I was always stressed and angry. Working 40+ hour weeks, then having to go to the meeting 3 times a week and do fs every week, how could I be anything other than stressed?
No Room For George
So funny when they have a bunch of JWs try to pose as "worldlies"
LOL About as believable as a three dollar bill.
off topic but Steve I find Freud fascinating...but do you think it is always true? (Projection)..
According to Sigmund Freud, projection is a psychologicaldefense mechanism whereby one "projects" one's own undesirable thoughts, motivations, desires, and feelings onto someone else. 'Emotions or excitations which the ego tries to ward off are "spit out" and then felt as being outside the ego...perceived in another person'. [4] It is a common process. [5] The related defence of 'projective identification differs from projection in that the impulse projected onto an external object does not appear as something alien and distant from the ego because the connection of the self with that projected impulse continues'. [6]
In one example of the process, a person might have thoughts of infidelity with respect to a spouse or other partner. Instead of dealing with these undesirable thoughts consciously, the subject unconsciously projects these feelings onto the other person, and begins to think that the other has thoughts of infidelity and that the other may be having an affair. In this way, the subject may obtain 'acquittal by his conscience - if he projects his own impulses to faithlessness on to the partner to whom he owes faith'. [7] In this sense, projection is related to denial, arguably the only more primitive defense mechanism than projection, which, like all defense mechanisms, provides a function whereby a person can protect the conscious mind from a feeling that is otherwise repulsive.
Projection can also be established as a means of obtaining or justifying certain actions that would normally be found atrocious or heinous. This often means projecting false accusations, information, etc., onto an individual for the sole purpose of maintaining a self-created illusion. One of the many problems with the process whereby 'something dangerous that is felt inside can be moved outside - a process of "projection"' - is that as a result 'the projector may become somewhat depleted and rendered limp in character, as he loses part of his personality'. [8]
Compartmentalization, splitting, and projection are ways that the ego continues to pretend that it is completely in control at all times, when in reality human experience is one of shifting instinctual reactivity and emotional motivation in which the "I" is not always complicit. Further, while engaged in projection, individuals can be unable to access truthful memories, intentions, and experiences, even about their own nature, as is common in deep trauma. [9]"
I wonder if that's why the JW's are so suspicious of the world and negative in their speech ...?
Snoozy(why did my words get so tiny?...
Yan Bibiyan
Every piece of world news in the Page 27 side box is negative. Each and every one!
When ya'll "Watched the World", ya'll didn't see the decline in violent crime, the lowest in history rate of traffic accidents rate, the......Why do I bother?
The Kingdom Hall at times can remind one of a hybrid made up of equal parts Psych ward and a juvenile detention center. It's full of people on antidepressants, antianxiolytics, and antipsychotics...loyalty to organization based off of a perveted interpretation of a parable
Very, very good post NRFG.