Regulate Marijuana Like Wine (interesting article)
by sabastious 87 Replies latest jw friends
wha happened?
So your argument is that if it's legal and makes money, the "bad people" are going to come along and take it away. How does this not apply to.......EVERYTHING EVER SOLD IN AMERICA.
Warning Warning Will Robinson. The bad people are here because u make money in a legal business. This is some trully funny stuff.
BTW, have u ever heard of prescription drug abuse? Have those so called safe drugs not been used recreationally? Should I be concerened about the Central Americans coming here now?
Why should I suppose u are a drug dealer? Are You? Should I be concerened that I'm now mixing this a criminal? Is your trade getting hurt?
wha happened?
The issue of why this plant was outlawed to begin with hasn't received much attention. Her's some good reading.
I had cancer in 97. Had NO appetite. Lost mucho weight. Marijuana pills helped tremendously. Marinol it is called. I am for legalizing it. Some of you believe in God right? How can a plant that he created be illegal?
What Happened: Believe anything you want about me. I don't care.
I feel that you're trying to turn this into rounds of insults and mockery. I won't go there.
Now that you say that maybe it's my business getting hurt, well, the same could be said of people advocating for the legalization of marijuana. They just want to do the business in peace. They don't want their business messed with.
No, my argument is not that "if it's legal, then someone is going to come along and take it away". My argument is:
1) Marijuana is illegal right now. It is now in the hands of traffickers who do not hesitate to kill, maim, kidnap, extort, whatever. They do the other businesses because that gives them money, and money is all they care about.
2) Making Marijuana legal will not make those guys disappear or lose their interest in the plant. It will give them freedom to trade with it. Because the business is in their hands, will they let the legislator just take it away from them? No. They will resort to the very same "arguments" they use right now to keep everyone else out of the business of selling marijuana legally.
3) In the meantime, they will continue to kidnap, extort, kill, and sell other drugs. Anyone who is currently selling drugs INSIDE the United States on behalf of any of those groups would be able to open a shop. He would continue to do his "other" businesses.
With your comment about Central Americans, it seems to me that you want to make a blanket statement about all of them. You want to say that they are all criminals. Some are, some aren't. The same can be said of Americans, or citizens of any other country, or race.
For someone who claims roots in Mexicali, you don't seem too fond of browns.
I don't know if you should be concerned about Central Americans going to the United States. Central Americans themselves claim that, years ago, the United States deported Central-American born criminals back to Central America. Some of those didn't even speak Spanish, because they had been raised in the United States. The claim is that they learned "the tools of the trade" in the streets of Los Ángeles, and they employed those "skills" against Police corps that were a lot more prone to corruption and a lot weaker and less knowledgeable. This is, then, an American policy that backfired. These people cannot be deported again; they are now in their countries of origin. But that does not mean they have lost the contacts or the know-how to introduce drugs into the United States.
In his book "El Cártel", the late Mexican journalist Jesús Blancornelas claims that the mother of the Arellano Félix brothers lived in California and Texas. This, for five years. Her two children, Ramón and Benjamín, then the leaders of the most powerful drug organization in the world, regularly visited her. They used to rent an entire hotel for themselves. For some reason, Blancornelas says, "no one" knew about their crossing the border. I don't mean one guy crossing the border at night. I mean enough men to occupy and entire hotel. "No one" includes the CIA, the FBI, the INS, the Border Patrol, the Police corps of both states and the DEA. Come on! No one knew?
But you could call this anecdotic and maybe even untrue. But, tell me: Who distributes drugs inside the United States? How come there is never a big seizure of either drugs or money? When people say that "the war on drugs" can't be won, do they mean that the United States can cope with drug trade inside its own borders?
Your link to the Wikipedia tells a lot about whether you get my point or not. And you don't. You seem to believe that only the United States matter. I would think otherwise if your link were about marijuana in general. But, no: "history in the United States". This behavior of yours is precisely the kind of thing that motivates my comments. Guys, you're discussing the virtues of marijuana as a medicine, and you seem incapable of grasping that, in the real world, it is a commodity controlled by gangs, and it will very likely remain in the hands of gangs if you legalize its use.
Botzwana: I have one question that follows the same line of reasoning of yorus. How can polygamy be illegal, if it's widely practiced in the Bible? Didn't YHWH let Jacob - sorry, Israel- have four legal wives? How many wives did Solomon have? And concubines? Why don't we have polygamy right now?
wha happened?
What Happened: Believe anything you want about me. I don't care.
That makes two of us
DGP, Uh...Polygamy is a belief. A plant is a frickin plant. Apples and oranges there...
My general point, and I hope this time I make it clear, is that, when the legalization of marijuana is discussed, people are deluded into thinking that they will be taking business away from the bad guys who are currently running it. In my humble opinion, if you have a business that gives you lots and lots and lots of money, and you see someone trying to take it away from you, you won't just wait and see how the money goes elsewhere. You will try to keep that business in your hands; and if you're used to extorting, and killing, and kidnapping, you will certainly use those means to fight the competition.
There are people who choose to buy illegal drugs. Those people are not necessarily looking for a quality product they are just looking for "what is available." People who choose to sell illegal drugs do not necessarily care about creating/obtaining a quality product. This is because their customer base doesn't care about their product. That is how a black market works and why it is lucrative enough for humans to choose it over other options.
Once weed is given legal status in America it will enter America's legal market. At that point the law of supply and demand would take effect of which would create a range of product qualities and prices. Just like there is $2.00 wine and $1000.00 wine. The process of creating it can be simple or complex which creates a connoisseur customer base instead of a "whatcha got" customer base.
Right now the "whatchya got" products are incredibly overpriced when compared to what a fair market would sell low quality product for. Once the fair market is applied the drug dealer's products will suddenly drop dramatically in value. The whole reason why weed trafficking between countries exists is because of the inflated value of low quality weed because of it's illegal status.
wha happened?
he's a clown sabastious. His theory is that ANY business that makes tons and tons of money will soon be taken over by the bad people. It's a simplistic opinion based on WT's. Remember everyone in the world is a drug dealing murderer and disco dancer
Well I got the Disco Dancer part for sure...