Please don't be stupid on my account...

by N.drew 35 Replies latest jw experiences



  • wobble

    Wobble Huggles to N.Drew !

  • Violia

    I could not say it better than Ron white," Stupid is forever, there is not a pill you can take or a class you can attend, stupid is forever." He said this in a now famous comedy routine regarding not marrying for looks alone but you can fix physical imperfections but stupid is forever.

  • finallysomepride

    what's goin on, have you joined the oppostion, N.drew lol

  • N.drew

    have you joined the oppostion?

    How? How can I join the opposition if I do not know what the opposition is?

    Hey, wait a minute!!!!! Oh. Ho Ho!

    Capuchin Monkey

  • N.drew

    "but stupid is forever." I have to disagree dear V.

    I do not believe it.

    I think if there is a heaven (I believe there IS) they there are feeling frustrated for us who are stupid, but need not be. Then I forget what I was going to say. I'm sure it was profound...

  • OnTheWayOut

    I knew this fellow. Now he was stupid.

    This fellow was so stupid, he taped a piece of paper in front of his television and called it paperview.

    He went to the dentist when he had bluetooth.

    He was given a ticket to the Superbowl and he brought the biggest spoon he could find.

    He sold his car for gas money once.

    He gave up driving when he came to his very first STOP sign and it never changed to GO.

    He gave up on computers when he followed the instructions to "Press any key to continue" and could never find "Any."

    I lost that guy yesterday. I told him Christmas is right around the corner and he went looking for it.

  • N.drew

    Good! Haha! What's a bluetooth?

  • sizemik

    All stupidity should be bought and paid for by the wearer . . .

    To be stupid on someone elses account is dishonest.

  • exwhyzee

    Paperview....good one OTWO !

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