A heartfelt "Thank You" to Simon, his family and to the all the mods

by Dagney 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    The past few days I've been thinking about how life has changed since leaving the witnesses. Except for just a few, my former friends have been completely replaced by apostates. Who would have ever thought...I sure didn't. Everyone i hang with now pretty much came from this board.

    In a few minutes I am leaving to spend Xmas eve with Aude and an exJW family. A few days ago I had dinner with wha and his wife. I opened cards yesterday from apostates literally all around the world. In the past week I witnessed an exJW match between two people I introduced; they have been together ever since and are excited to make a happy Xmas memory to wipe away all the past crap ones. Makes me giggle very time I think of them.

    There area lot more people and reasons, but I need to get going.

    So thank you Simon and all for your work and time in keeping this board going from the bottom of my heart. Merry Xmas to you and your family, and to all the mods.

  • Morbidzbaby

    Glad you're having a wonderful Christmas! And yes, I agree, THANK YOU Simon and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

  • Knowsnothing

    I totally agree. I hope this site never ceases to be. Or at least reincarnates.

  • 3rdgen


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I agree. Merry Christmas to Simon and all that make this board possible and Merry Christmas to you also Dagney.

  • Azazel

    Many many thanks to Simon and the other helpers.

    Merry Christmas


    Ps maybe Santa will leave a Android compatible web forum under your tree for you.

  • Dagney

    Hey I quit! I was wondering how you are faring on this holiday. Wish you a Merry Xmas also. We'll get together soon.

    We went to a lovely Unitarian Xmas eve service. It was beautiful. There is a pic of us singing "Silent Night" on FB. I might do that again. The pastor was outside greeting everyone who came in. We introduced ourselves as the "exJehovah's Witness delegation." He just laughed.

    Aude and I talked about having a exJcW Xmas party next year.

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    I second Dagney, thank you Simon and all of you who are in charge of this site.

    How is Lady Lee doing, seems she has been scarce on here for a while .

  • wasblind

    Yes I'd like to thank all responsible for keepin' this site goin'

    it would be a true over site not to take a moment of my time

    that I spend here to give a heart felt thank you

    Luv Wuz

  • LongHairGal

    DAGNEY: Yes, we are all grateful and I remember a few years ago it was turning into a nasty place but he saved it. It is nice you have so many friends on the forum. I have several ex-JW friends but they don't post on any boards. Happy New Year to everybody!

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