Don't let your accountant fire YOU when you catch them in malfeasance

by Terry 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    You own a business and hire an accountant to manage the finances.

    Your checks start to bounce every once and awhile. You anxiously call your accountant: "What's going on? There should be enough in the

    bank to cover these things!"

    The accountant has 3 things by way of response that can be said:

    1.I screwed up. I apologize. I'll make good on it. It won't happen again.

    2.It's not MY fault all the other people are wrong.

    3.Who are you to question me? I've got the degree in accounting. Keep your pants on.

    If this happens just ONCE--you may shrug it off and keep that accountant no matter which reply was given.

    But--here is the most important point that can be made: IF IT HAPPENS AGAIN..and again...and again...and again.....

    it should not matter how many excuses or reasons the accountant gives you--should it?

    Are you not justified in firing them, reporting them, losing all confidence in them, suing them?

    The rank and file Jehovah' Witnesses are like the business that has hired the Governing Body to keep their spiritual account running in a healthy profitable way.

    At a certain point....after many bounced promises...reversals...outright errors....obvious ass-covering excuses.....FIRING THEM is a no-brainer!

    No business person could AFFORD to "wait on the accountant" to straighten out the mess. You could quickly be out of business and bankrupt.

    Disfellowshipped people are, in effect, spiritually bankrupted because they TRUSTED when they should have demanded an accounting.

    Have you ever hear this saying?

    Fool me once---it is "shame on you."

    Fool me twice---it is "shame on ME."

    Don't let your accountant FIRE YOU for catching them in malfeasance!

    What is needed is an exposure of the problems and a reckoning without all the excuses and muscle-flexing.

  • tenyearsafter

    You know the old saying Terry...

    "Figures never lie, liars figure!"

    I guess that could apply to other types of "accountants" too...

  • wasblind

    How 'bout

    from 1914- on there has only been one generation born

    yep that includes my grandma, mom, me my daughter and my great nephew

    I count five generations the WTS count only one

    That's some really bad accountin'

  • designs

    My checks to that particular Accountant stopped a long time ago.

  • irondork

    Should a group of Still Ins travel to Brooklyn with whips, burst into the big boy offices, turn over the tables, escort them to the curb, demand new management, etc...?

    Is it not a member owned organization? Brotherhood of equals?

    Occupy Bethel?

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Occupy Bethel?

    Sounds cute, but in reality JWs are the (zero point) one percent that believe they have the 99% of spiritual riches.

  • thetrueone

    The JW organization has within itself an interesting paradigm, where people who are being deceivingly corrupt, call people who are able to

    identify that corruption, can and will be admonished for being evil and openly demonised.

    In the endeavored attempt for the accountant (WTS.) to keep his job, he threatens people around him with being fired

    and thrown out the company altogether for anyone willing to expose his corruption.

    As an example, think of a JW showing in bible that Jesus said (a) generation (singular) upon his return, not generation(s) to the hierarchal leaders

    of this organization, either to local elders are directly to the WTS. HQ. That person with a sense of honesty and personal integrity

    would most likely duly be fired. In organizations like this malfeasance happens all the time for they have the power and control to,

    the lower subjective underlings on the other hand clearly do not, they have to be submissively quiet and accept the corruption or else.

    In this structured paradigm the WTS. can't really ever lose, as long as they hold that special carrot out toward the public of eternal Paradise.

  • Glander

    Terry, your analogy is right on...except for one thing I would add. Your accountant is holding a huge part of your life, including family, as hostages. If you fire him he will take them away from you.

  • Terry

    Terry, your analogy is right on...except for one thing I would add. Your accountant is holding a huge part of your life, including family, as hostages. If you fire him he will take them away from you.

    This is called the Sanction of the Victim. We empower the evil by allowing it.

    There is a way to fight shunning. Refuse to buy-in!

    99% of disfellowshipped people turn their own psychology into seething anger and retaliation OR whimpering self-sorry misery.

    Being a raging and defiant asshole or a whining victim IS NOT the right approach!

    I am now convinced that the disfellowshipped person must BECOME THE ADULT in the room! Completely refuse to take the disapproval and condemnation PERSONALLY. View it as THEIR MISTAKE and feel sorry for ELDERS.

    Why? That's what adults do! Avoid emotionalism. State obvious facts: "This will cause more problems than it solves." "This does not address the real issue."

    "Turning my family against me is not something Jesus would ever approve of." "I'm sorry, brothers, but you are all way out of line." "No, I don't accept your verdict. I'm just the same as you are right now. You just won't admit to your doubts publicly."


    Christianity is not about being Ethics Officers and Policemen keeping the streets free of sinners!

    Christianity is a hospital where you try to help people get better WHEN THEY ARE ILL.

    Not knowing how to treat a patient is the DOCTOR'S shortcoming and not the patient's responsibility.

    The Governing Body has to wipe its ass the same as you or me!

    When did THEY ever admit to responsibility for throwing the brothers and sisters into turmoil with WRONG TEACHINGS?

    Who hauled THEM before a Judicial Committee??

    And yet--they have the iron balls to sit in judgement on the rest of us??

    No way!

  • thetrueone

    When did THEY ever admit to responsibility for throwing the brothers and sisters into turmoil with WRONG TEACHINGS?

    Who hauled THEM before a Judicial Committee??

    And yet--they have the iron balls to sit in judgment on the rest of us??

    This is and was one of my criticisms of this organization that I took notice years ago.

    If the leaders were telling the truth and they had god's spirit in guiding them, why was there so much inherent corruption.

    Was it just because they wanted to further expand the WTS. literature as a self proposed marketing scheme ?

    The answer was yes and a little bit more, involving the expanding the power and control over greater amount of people.

    The more the numbers grew the more the organization would make in money by devoted exploited slaves.

    Yes there are accountants, lawyers and executive officials (GB) running this religious publishing organization, but god is nowhere to be found,

    as well as the truth.

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